05 - Jun - Seat 11B

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Aeroplanes. You hated them. You hated everything about them: The annoying little kids, crying and complaining; the newlyweds off to their honeymoon kissing and caressing each other; and the businessmen and women who are rude and want nothing to do with you.

Today you were flying a long distance flight. You were going alone to visit your friend who had just moved away, you were in a rush because your alarm had not gone off and you had slept a little more than planned.

You were annoyed because then they had the plane delayed for some unknown reason, then! They just happened to lose your bag.

Thank God, they found it.

With furrowed eyebrows, you sat in your seat aimlessly reading the safety instructions sheet.

"7...8...9...10... Ah! Row 11." A young man about your age walked up to your row. He was beautiful. He ran a hand through his hair and met your eyes with his.

"Hey gorgeous." He flirted "you're sitting in my seat." He smirked.

Feeling flustered and embarrassed you scrambled to get your stuff together checking what seat was yours. He was right, you were seated in the middle but your seat was by the window.

"Sorry" you moved over by one, your face flushed red.

"It's alright lovely" he smiled. As he reached up to put his bag in the overhead locker, his shirt rose up and you could see the faint line of his muscles on the lower part of his torso, your mouth watered.

"Stop it Y/N! He thinks you're an idiot already don't ruin it." You said to yourself, fixing your hair.

He squeezed into the chair next to you sorting himself out before sticking his hand out to you,

"I'm Junhui, but please call me Jun." He said winking at you.

"Y/N" you shook his hand.

Suddenly a large older woman with excessive luggage, way more than allowed, walked up to your row, she sniffed and then shoved her belongings into the cupboard.

Without saying a word, she wedged herself into the final chair on your row.

Jun turned towards you and raised his eyebrows in a comedic manner and you giggled covering your mouth.

After a while Jun tapped your leg signalling for you to look at the fat woman, you leaned over to look at the woman on the end, she was fast asleep and taking up half of poor Jun's chair. You rolled your eyes and pulled up your armrest so Jun could sit closer to you.

"Thanks Doll." He whispered resting his head on your shoulder.


"Awww." You cooed as Jun showed you a photo of his grandmother at Christmas. You got bored with your book so Jun was entertaining you with his music and funny pictures.

"Hey Y/N, I never even asked. Why are you going to (place)?" he asked, titling his head like a puppy.

"I'm going to stay with my friend for a bit, she's just moved away. What about you?"

Jun was going for a 'solo adventure' as he called it. He was visiting all the tourist attractions and you had agreed to visit the art museum together on one of the days. Jun called it a date and you blushed deeply.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, if you could please fasten your seatbelts as we prepare for landing."

The plane began to shake and your stomach dropped, you tightly closed your eyes and clasped the armrest for your life. Jun noticed and took your small hand in his big one and gave it a reassuring squeeze. You whispered "Thank you."

As you parted at the baggage claim, you knew Junhui would be back. And when you saw him again, you'd never let him go.

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