|Chapter 1|

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Dull green eyes stare blandly at the wall present before them. Never blinking , they bore holes in to the exterior. The sun has yet to grace the earth with its warm presence.

An alarm goes off.

Shiro exhales lightly, refusing to move from his fetal position curled in the center of his bed, much like a child in the whomb of its mother.

Sunlight begins to shine brightly from behind his gray curtains. Illuminating the once darkly lit room.

Shiro blinks his tired eyes and reluctantly sits up. His bare feet come in contact with wooden floors as he rakes a hand through the white tresses of his hair.

His gaze travels towards the closet sitting at the farthest  corner of his room. His school uniform hanging neatly from one of its varnished wooden doors. Shiro wasn't exactly opposed to the idea of having to attend a different school. In fact he was more than glad when he left his previous one.

His slender digits blindly danced around the metal surface of his desk in a hasty search for his glasses. Instead they stumbled upon the prickly fabric of the golden lanyard he was acquired to wear on a regular basis at school.

His eyebrows arched in surprise as his fingers jerked back from the unexpected scratchy feeling it gave when his fingertips grazed the sides.

Shiro pursed his lips. Fingers returning back to grab a hold of the black plastic case that held his picture. Eyes skimming across the words printed directly beside it.

NAME: Okomoto Shiro
AGE: 16

Shiro scoffed. Thumb tracing over the faux smile he was forced to wear on the day his picture was being taken.

The school was definitely expensive as hell and Shiro wondered if it would be any different than his previous school.

He closed his eyes briefly and sighed.

"Guess I better start getting ready. " He murmured pinching the bridge of his nose in exhaustion.

In two long strides he had already made his way across the room and was now standing in front of his closet. He removed his school uniform from its hanger and quickly made his way towards the bathroom.

Once the door was shut tightly he began to strip, flinching slightly when his feet met with the chilled ceramic floor as he stepped into the shower. His hand reached out to turn the shower knob; sighing in bliss when the warm water droplets danced across his skin.

He maneuvered the soap gently over his body, letting his mind go on autopilot while he sank into the deepest darkest depths of his memory.

By now the soap had already washed away and he was forced to turn off the warm flowing water. Goosebumps arose on his skin as soon as he stepped out. Effects of his warm body being blasted with cold air.

Leisurely,  he rubbed the rough towel over his body in an attempt to dry himself off. He eyed the uniform sitting on the bathroom counter, contemplating if it was really worth it as he ran his fingers over the soft fabric.

Uniforms weren't really worn at his previous school.

Students seemed to randomly appear wearing casual clothes and not once were they reprimanded for it.

The idea of wearing a uniform for the first time in years was a little bit absurd to him. Nonetheless he began to get dressed, immediately taking a liking to the amount of comfort it gave him.

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