|Chapter 2|

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Lunch time had came quicker than he had anticipated.

Silently,  he recalled Harumi's last words to him before she left him to sit through his first class period.

'Oh and when lunch time comes just follow the crowd of hungry people and you'll be alright'

Suprisingly, her advice had worked. Not that he would ever admit it to the petite brunette.

His dull green eyes surveyed the clustered cafeteria in distaste.  A scowl evident on  his face. Socializing with others wasn't what Shiro did best, especially with the amount of hostility he displayed when the topic was brought up.

His eyebrows knitted together causing creases to form on his forehead as he looked for a quiet place to sit; paying little to no attention to others who rudely bumped into him.

"Koko ni Shiro-kun." A voice called out.

Shiro craned his head to get a better view of the person who called out to him.

Eyes widening in surprise when they met with Harumi's honey brown hues.

"Already on first name basis eh Harumi-chan?" Her friend teased.

Shiro's cheeks tainted a pale pink as he scowled at the brown haired boy seated beside his smaller classmate.

"What, are you jealous of it?"

Makoto narrowed his blue eyes and pouted angrily.  Seemingly unfazed by Shiro's monotonous voice. Harumi patted the empty space on the opposite side of her. A sign to Shiro that she was offering him to sit.

Shiro reluctantly shrugged and put down his bag.

"Oi dumbass, seats taken. Get lost toothpick. "

"Oh...really? I don't see anyone sitting in it." Shiro remarked.

Tatsuya sighed and shrugged the bag strap from his shoulder before proceeding to throw it on the table where it landed with a thud.

With a bored glance casted his way. Shiro began to leave, walking at a very slow and bored pace.

"Stop being such an asshole Tatsuya" Akira grumbled before calling out "hey kid! You can have my seat, I'm finished anyways." She smiled wryly.

Shiro blinked. Watching carefully as the black haired girl left. Slowly he sat down in the chair parallel to the grey haired boy he had just encountered.

"I see you took my advice." Harumi teased.

Her eyes shining with raw mischief.

"Hn. I suppose."  Shiro mumbled dully.

Awkward silence settled over the group like a thick cloak and Shiro couldn't help but notice the brown haired boy from before bouncing his leg anxiously.

Shiro turned to his right. Openly examining the dark skinned girl who hadn't spoken a word the entire time. His eyes trailing down from her sandy brown ringlets of curls to the glasses perched on the bridge of her nose.

He arched a brow in curiosity. Watching as her nimble fingers glided over the inked words written in her notebook.

She seems like a ne - -

"These are some nice buns!"


So it seems like the boy finally exploded.

Shiro's eye twitched,  not expecting the words out of the brunette's mouth to be a sexual innuendo.

Kiku glanced up briefly and sighed in irritation. Her foot jerking forward lightly and landing a harsh blow to the person directly in front of her.

"Why is it that the first thing you say has to be a sexual innuendo Makoto?!" She growled.

Makoto's shoulders sagged; gradually becoming teary eyed.

A low chuckle rang in his ears. Startled,  Shiro threw a nonchalant glance over his shoulder. Eyes ranking over taut muscles, grazing over lean shoulders 'till finally, they connected with warm grey orbs.

"Don't be so uptight Kiku. "

Kiku rolled her eyes automatically and closed her book quickly adjusting her glasses before turning around ready to lecture the tall male.

"He's not a kid anymore Ak--."

"Hey there, my name's Akio. What's yours?" Akio interrupted,  placing a hand on Shiro's shoulder and leaning down so they were somewhat face to face.

Kiku blinked.

Face morphing in to a scowl as she clicked her tongue in annoyance. Swiftly regaining her composure by swiveling around to bury her nose back in her book.

Shiro lifted his gaze to Akio. His bored expression causing the taller male to twitch nervously under the fixed stare.


Akio smiled brightly before pulling out a seat." Well Shiro-kun, welcome to the squad."

Shiro offered a crooked and obviously fake smile before returning his attention to the half eaten bento in front of him. Quietly listening to the conversations going on without him.

"Akio-kun where were you?"

"Ah. Harumi-chan how was your day?"

Shiro didn't know where this feeling was coming from, but all of a sudden he felt comfortable.  Like he belonged there, with these people who he would soon be able to call his friends.

He hasn't felt this comfortable in the longest time that's for sure. Seems like years since he was craving for human interaction that didn't  come from his mother or father.

Cautiously,  Shiro lifted his head. Surveying the people that surrounded him. A warm feeling bursting in his chest. A smile twitching from the corner of his lips.

A shrill ring echoed throughout the cafeteria.

The bell had rang.

Lunch was finally over.



I know that I said I would
Probably update next week Saturday,
But I just couldn't help myself. 
I thought It was too late but for me it feels like the perfect timing.
So yeah I managed to find the book I was writing in
And ta-da here it is.
Chapter 2, hope you enjoyed it


Koko ni: 'over here'

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