|Chapter 3|

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The sky was tar-black. Large grey clouds scattered across its gloomy exterior.

People ran for cover, eager to shelter themselves from the crying sky. Umbrellas were opened as the clouds spat out their beads of water. Puddles began plinking as the rainfall became heavier.

Shiro watched as students ran under the rain like multicolored ants, heaving their bags over their heads, all eager to get home to their families.

Water droplets fell on to his open palm, sliding over his smooth skin before dripping down to the concrete floor where they landed with a 'splat'.

His shoulders sagged, not liking  the idea of having to walk home under such poor weather conditions.

Several minutes passed and still, the rain showed no signs of stopping.

The sudden sensation of a warm hand curling around his wrist was what seemed to bring him back to life.

His forest green eyes trailed downward,  once again being caught off gaurd as they connected with the honey brown hues he had began to become familiar with.

A thousand questions danced through his mind as Harumi beamed up at him. And for once, he could not help but genuinely return one back.

Together they began to descend the stairs. Sheltered by the brunettes umbrella.

The walk of course, was silent. Until Harumi decided to be the icebreaker.

"So where are you from Shiro-kun ?"

Her question startled him a bit. But as he always did, the tall teen merely glanced down at the smaller female before deciding to answer her question.

"The city. "

Harumi hummed. Not at all surprised by his blunt reply. After all she had caught a small glimpse of his transfer files. Not that she'd ever let him know about that or the fact that she knew where he previously and was now currently living.

"What about you?"

A thoughtful expression flashed across her face, as if she was choosing her words before she spoke.

"I was born in the city. My parents moved here because of my brother,  he had asthma and couldn't live in a place like that."

Shiro hummed. "Where is your brother now?"

"He's dead."

Something had compelled him to cease all movements and his feet refused to comprehend what his brain was telling it to do. In confusion,  Harumi turned to question the sudden disappearance of her classmate, not knowing how to respond to the blank expression he wore once she had fully turned around.

"Are you okay?" She questioned.

"Are you?"

Harumi blinked in surprise, hands tightening their grip on the handle of her umbrella.

A smile came to her face.

"Of course I am. It was over a year ago Shiro. "

This was the first time she had spoken his name without using the honorific she seemed to enjoy adding at the end of his name. And for once, he did not know whether to believe her or not.

Seeing his hesistance, Harumi looked up towards the sky before stating,

"The rain isn't showing any signs of stopping. We need to find shelter now."

Shiro nodded.

Cold now seeping through the soaked fabric of his uniform, Shiro fought the urge to shiver. Seeing his predicament,  Harumi stood by his side, sheltering him from the pelting raindrops.

For the remainder of the walk no one spoke. Both believed this was best for the previous subject would just be brought up once more.

Shiro's bored eyes danced around casually taking note of his surroundings. Green eyes taking notice fo the peach colored house a couple steps away.

And as they came to a stop just in front of the metal gates, he spared one single glance down at the girl whose gaze refused to leave the ground.

"Do you want to come inside?"

Harumi's shoulders tensed in surprise but she still refused to meet his eyes. She gave a small laugh, the tips of her ears turning red.

"No, I'm okay. Besides I have somewhere to be at the moment. Maybe some other time Shiro-kun."

The tall teen watched as the small girl he had come to befriend,  walked away, a slight drag in her steps.

Reluctantly,  he turned and left to seek refuge from the rain inside his house.

It was already dark by the time the sound of a door opening echoed throughout the somewhat empty house.

The man, albeit tired and weary, called out for his son but when he received no response,  he assumed his only child was fast asleep.

Leisurely,  he dragged his feet in the direction of the kitchen.  Stomach empty and grumbling with hunger. His hands gripped the handle of the refrigerator,  blindly searching for something to eat.

Just as the door was about to shut, the light illuminated a part of the room and the man caught sight of a container on the kitchen counter, half open.

To anyone it would seem as an ordinary jar of gummy bears, but to those who had been in the situation more than once knew, that it wasn't an ordinary jar of gummy bears.

In fact, they were antidepressants disguised to look like gummy bears for those who liked to believe they were not depressed in any way at all.


Welcome to the end of chapter three
Well obviously I hope you liked it.
Also I am very sorry if there are any misspellings
And if you could kindly point
Them out so I can fix them it would be highly appreciated.
Anyways I hope you liked it. Goodbye.


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