{ moonlight }

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Do me a favour and ignore the fact that she is blatantly a vampire in this gif? Thanks very much.

Things were getting progressively worse as time passed.

A couple of weeks ago Kali had taken Erica out of the cell and she hadn't returned since. Boyd didn't take this well and had become a lot angrier.

By now all three of them were on edge constantly - none of them had shifted in ages. It wasn't healthy to go that long without shifting and Athena feared what would happen when they were finally exposed to the full moon once again. If they were ever allowed out again, that was.

It didn't look like their captors had any intentions of setting them free soon. Athena couldn't help but wonder why they were still being kept alive, there must be a reason and she was sure she wouldn't like it, this made her tense.

It must have been a full moon out, or nearing it, because even through the thick walls of the vault (from the elaborate door they guessed they were being held in a vault somewhere) their tempers were rising and control was slipping.


Athena's head shot upwards at the sudden noise. Her eyes were immediately drawn to a fist retracting from a newly made hole in the wall.

Before she can fully comprehend what she's seeing, a beam of moonlight shone directly in her face, leaking in through the hole and reflecting throughout the room.

Athena vaguely hears a voice say her name and she thinks she hears Cora issue a warning to the newcomer. But then all rational thoughts leave her mind and she is left only with a craving for blood.

Her claws have extended and all of her senses are heightened. She can hear the rapid beating of many hearts and can smell the overwhelming stench of sweat and urine radiating from all corners of the room.

Her eyes hone in on a target. A boy stood in the entrance to the hole. She wants to feel his flesh tear beneath her claws. She wants to see his blood spill from his body and see the light leave his eyes. She wants to hear those last pathetic beats of his heart before it stops all together.

So she pounces.


When Athena wakes up, it's on a lumpy couch in a warehouse type building.

She rolls off the couch and lands in a crouched position on the floor. She surveys the room around her, ears and nose twitching for any hint of danger.

"Athena you're fine," an impatient, slightly amused voice calls out.

She snaps her head towards the sound and is caught off guard by the person in front of her.

Derek Hale. He's is tall and strong and  holds himself confidently, not unlike that teenage boy she used to know. But now there's a certain toughness to him; a cold glint in his eye and the defensive way he's standing, no matter how subtle it is.

Obviously the past 6 years have forced all of the Hale siblings to change.

"Where am I?" Athena asks, skipping all the pleasantries. She would deal with her feelings later.

"A loft house where I live."

Athena looks around at the bare room, with it's murky windows and smashed wall.

"Doesn't look all that homey," she quips.

Derek shrugged.

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