Love is Love. Part 13

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*Lexi's POV*

What did I just agree too?! I walked away from Austin shaking my head. I was tired and I couldn't think straight. But I can't back down. Caitlyn is my best friend and she deserves this. So does Austin. Prom is in two days. He wants me to sing all of me which luckily, I know by heart and made a dance too. I practiced singing and dancing, wanting to perfect everything for the two lovebirds. I sighed and looked in the mirror. I wasn't the type for prom with fancy dresses, glitz and glamour. I was more of blacks, plain and simple kind of thing. Dancing in a dress would be hard, but this is a graceful song. I sighed. I had to go shopping. * * *

I found a loose yet still tight black dress that was tighter at the top and flowed at the bottom and some ripped black tights. I kept it simple with black converse and smiled. It was a successful shopping trip, and I rarely have those. I practiced dancing for hours that night in my new clothes, getting used to the feeling. I was ready.

***Fast Forward to Getting Ready***

I changed at my house and skateboarded to Caitlyn's where me, her and Brianna were all getting ready. I walked in, dressed and hair in a messy bun. Caitlyn look beautiful as always in a short, form fitting blue dress with one sleeve. It had a beautiful bow and it was meant for her. Her hair was done up like Brianna's, both in some intricate pattern with sparkly clips and flowers. Brianna had on a nice tight at the top, strapless purple dress with a bow. It fit her well and they both looked flawless. They grinned when they saw me in my dress and rushed me over to them. The made my hair into a neat bun pinned up with a black flower. They made me were eyeliner and mascara to "complete the look." We looked in the mirror and took photos, typical girl thing. Moms took pictures, we smiled forever, cheeks and face hurting. Then came the dates. I didn't have one, surprised? Austin arrived in a sweet limo along with Brianna's date, Luke. They sat next to their dates as I relaxed in the back. I was nervous about what I was going to have to do. Caitlyn still didn't suspect a thing. Austin caught my eye in the mirror and winked. I smiled back. Lets do this.

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