Chapter 1

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Alexis' heart raced as she saw Henry fall unconcious to the hard grounds of the cave, she felt like crying but never in any world would she let the transparent substance fall down her cheeks in front of anyone but herself. Emma, Neal and Regina kneeled around Henry as they tried waking him up, but Alexis was to busy searching for a solution in her head to even move from where she was standing. Pan had just convinced Henry amongst lies to give him his heart so he could save magic, and Henry did as told because he wanted to save what he believed in, to him it didn't matter if that meant sacrificing his own life, and even though Alexis was trying not to cry her eyes out, she was proud Henry fought for what he believed in, she just wished he would've known it was all a pure lie Pan told him to save his own life.

"Oh my god, is he unconcious?" Emma asked as she had her hand in his chest, those words brought the brunette girl out of her thoughts and gave her the need to slap Emma across the face. She wasn't a violent person nor a bad one, if Alexis was known for something in the Enchanted Forest and Storybrook was for her kindness and how humble she was after all her bad past. She rolled her eyes at Emma's words and continued to look at Pan who was flying  on top of them looking as evil as he's ever looked, his green eyes were dark, his smirk was wide, and he was full of anger, pure anger and evil it made her wonder how a person could get to such point.

"Is he breathing?" Regina asked as she took off her bag from her shoulder, a loud sound could be heard making Emma turn around. Ahead of Alexis was Pan, he slowly desended from the air looking as confident as ever, and definetely with no regrets of what he had just done, but it's not like she expected him to feel something, to her he was a monster, he was heartless, he was repugnant and he had no excuse for being the way he is.

"What the hell did you do to him?!" Emma yelled at Pan, her eyes were full of madness as they stared at Pan's, but they had no effect in his, everyone doubted Pan even had feelings, or at least good feelings.

"Oh i didn't do anything to him, Emma. It was Henry, he offered me his heart out of his own free will" he spoke as his feet were placed in the solid rock floor, Alexis felt offended by his words, she wanted to scream in his face for being such a shamless liar, but as he said that an idea grew within her head.

"I have a deal for you." her voice was loud, it rang through the cave and it was filled of all the courage she had, which was a lot. All eyes landed on her as they watched each and every single move she could make, which were none existent considering she just stood in her place showing she wasn't afraid of the bloody demon -as Hook had called him earlier- that was slowly making his way closer to her. He stood inches away, his smirk making his way towards his face. "I'll give you all my magic in exchange of Henry's heart, you'll just have to figure out how to take it from me." she wished taking her magic was as easy as getting her heart ripped out of her chest, but Pan and her knew that wasn't possible and that it would be a lot more complex than anything.

"Alex what are you doing?" she could hear Neal panicking behind her, but she chose to ignore him and block any emtoion for the moment.

"Well, look who we have here, Alexis Taylor, Regina's lab rat" he offended her followed with a laugh, he started walking around Alexis, her hands couldn't help but become fists, he was perishing her patience in matter of seconds, and he knew that, but he just wanted to test how powerful her magic was. "Are you seriously whiling to die only to save the son of the woman who killed your mother?" And she was whiling to show him.

 With that her anger took over her, her hands made their way in front of her abruptly which made Pan fly away hiting his back with the wall before landing hard on the ground making the whole cave shake and the three adults who were watching open their eyes  at the sight of what had just happened, disbelief was written all over their faces since it wasn't usual watching her use her powers, not in Storybrook neither in the Enchanted Forest, in fact, it was the first time she had shown her magic in front of people, but it wasn't a secret her magic was powerful, everyone knew that whatever Regina made to Alexis several weeks before she cursed everyone was something that could be usefull to Alexis, she could be a threat to anyone who dared to go up against her, at some point there was actually a rumour that Alexis Taylor, daughter of a simple peasant now deceased, was almost as powerful as Rumpelstiltskin himself, which obviousy wasn't true. She was powerful, but not anywhere near Rumple.

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