Unstable life, healing love

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The story of my life? Not much to be honest .really believe me. I think if I would tell you about my past life that you would fall asleep of boredom. The only thing important enough to tell you I guess is that I have ruined so many lives over the years.

It just kind of happened in the past and I don't know how it happened but it did. I feel bad about it. I never wanted it to happen. I'm the one who ruined so many lives, so many characters that I sometimes wonder why I'm still here.

Why people still care about me? Maybe they are faking that they care about me. Yes that will be it. I can't see a other way how they can still act like that around me after what I have caused to people over thousand years.

Sometimes I just want to disappear but people find me important because I'm the capital of Europe. I am also the capital of Belgium, the headquarters of the NAVO and the Benelux. Don't get me started about the very long name or the title. It is too long to get started about and I need to say it every time I pick up my phone. Maybe I am important now but I never chose this or this life.

I always wanted to be a normal girl. Not a capital. Just normal you know? Like normal people just being like the other people in the world and not be immortal. Just live a life and not deal with the stress of ruling whole Europe and being responsible about what goes wrong.

Someone who knows how I feel. I feel bad for him because he got bullied by one of my friend and I was not really happy to hear about it. I was pissed at Prussia well that is to put it.

Me and Russia have been friends for a really long whiel now and when I heard about people bullying him I felt bad for the Russian. I didn't think Prussia was awesome anymore what I did before.

I actually don't get why people call Russia creepy. He doesn't seem that creepy to me. He has always been so kind to me and I think people think he is mean and scary because what has been going in his country.

That is the reason why I don't like that people act like that to him. He only does dark aura on people if they are touching some sensative subject and he wants to scare them of so that they stop mentioning about the thinks that make him hurt.

But having this kind of thing to protect him makes people think he is mean even thought he doesn't mean to be he isn't aware that he comes over like that. He really does I have asked him about it since one of the countries who are under the Europain Union was talking about it. He himself was surprised and even shocked to hear that people thought that of him.

I think that is why I like him and really like him since he doesn't mean to hurt people at all unlike other people I know who just love to hurt people just for fun which I myself hate to see or hear about.

Now I think of it..isn't it like wrong to feel like this? I mean we have been friends since we were little and I don't want to ruin our friendship by walking up to him and telling him this and that he turns me down after that.

Maybe it is smart to tell him how I feel since if I would keep it away from him he would think that I would not trust him with this info and than he would end up hating me in the end which I don't want to happen. Since like I said he means a lot to me and if I end up losing him I don't know if I would be able to get over that.

I would give everything to be with him even if it is for a little, if it was for a day that I could be the one he loves and holds close. Yeah you can see that this isn't just a simple crush that you can get over with if you don't think of.

"Brussels are you all right?" A sweet voice helped me to get out of my thoughts which I had been lost in for quite I while now since the meeting room I was in was completly empty now. That most of the time takes a little even if they all want to get out of the room as soon as possible.

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