Fixing past wounds

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England said and by saying that he Francis' attention in mere seconds. He was surprised that England was blaming himself for the Frenchman's internal struggle."Yes." He started to say whitout thinking. Not a second later he realised what he did. "Uh, I mean no." France knew that ith every word he. He would make the situation worse.

"I get what you mean." England said and started to walk away. In his voice you could hear that the answer to the question had really hurt him. Even though he somewhere knew that France didn't mean it like that, it still pained him.

The little girl give a kiss on Francis cheek. A small smile on her face before she started to England. "Mommy, please wait. I can't walk that fast~ I need to pee~" Lillith utterd, it sounded like she really meant it. The old tears came back when he didn't stop right away.

Arthur stopped walking when he heard the little girl cry. He didn't want her to be said. Even if he was angry at France, he would not leave the girl. Especially not when she needs to go to the bathroom that badly. He turned around and waited for Lilith to reach where he stopped walking.

England didn't look at France, but from what France could see that England was at the edge of crying. "Mommy....I need to pee..." Lilith shivered fiercefully the little girl said while she waddled over to him. "Come here then I bring you to the restroom."

Arthur kneeled down and spread his arms so that he could pick her up. And than bring in the girl to the restroom. He smiled for the little girl but everyone who was older than the little girl would have realised that he was still hurt.

"Mommy? Did you and daddy have a fight?" She whimpered while England was holding her. When they finally reached the restroom, England puts the little girl down. Lillith dashed to the toilet and cried out. "It's too high! Can you help me~?"

Arthur picked her up and sat her down on the toilet seat. "There is something that bothers your daddy. It is something that I have done, yet he doesn't seem to want to tell me. I am fine with that though."

"No, you not."Lillith said and looked up at the much taller nation. She let out a small sigh before speaking up again. "You need to talk to daddy, cause daddy loves you a lot~" She said with a smile on her face, she must really mean what she said.

"That's something your dad needs to decide, sweety. Hopefully, he knows that I love him." He said and faked a smile. She was right, he wasn't fine with this at all. But he also knew that he couldn't replace the one that France loved the most. That way he could not ease the pain the Frenchman had.

When the girl was finished, he lifted her up again. "Mommy is sad." Lillith uttered and gave England a kiss on his cheek. It hurt the little girl's body to move this much, she had ran around enough today.

"It's nothing, sweetie don't worry I''ll be fine." He knew that his sadness was affecting the little girl. He could see it in the look on his eyes. The girl became quiet, her eyes becoming dark then in a second it disappeared. "Are you ready? Then we can go to your daddy. He must be thinking, why it takes so long."

England smiled at the tought of how France would react on the fact that it was taking them so long to go to the restroom. When they walked out, they saw France waiting next to the doorframe.

"France how long have you been here?" England looked confused at the Frenchman, who was now standing in front of him. He really didn't expect him to stand there. "The whole time.Why?"

The Frenchmen was also very confused, but that was because of the odd reaction coming from England. He had heard the little girl talking to the Briton. "Just curious." England muttered. Actually he had hoped that France didn't hear the conversation between them. He tried to face a smile once more.

" I heard the conversation. You really think she is my beloved person, don't you?" Francis asked on a soft and very gentle tone. It wasn't like him to act like this, but he couldn't explain why he was acting so odd today.

"Of course I do. hen someone says her name or mentions her. " England paused for a minute and took a deep breath." You get that sad look on your face." The Briton look at the floor once more, because he didn't want to see the hurt expression on France's face.

"Elisabeth." Francis said and it was the only thing he said. He looked at how the expression on England's face grew sadder."Her name you do the same expression." The look of England looked so hurt. Francis sighed, placed Lillith on the floor and pulled England into a hug.

"We both had people we loved. But that doesn't change the fact of who I love right now. Arthur I love you, and only you. You are the one, who owns my heart now." France had done it. He had finally confessed his love to the man he loved.

France than noticed something off. He placed a small kiss on England's cheek after that he turned to look around. "Did you see Lilith?" Noticing that the little girl was no where in sight. They had just seen her a minute ago.

"Italy-nyan~!" They could hear Lilith screams and you could also hear Italy scream in pain as well."Hey I'm not a cat!" He sounded lightly in pain as if the little girl had stepped on his toes or something like that.

"I think we found her." England said, kissed Francis on the cheek and walked out of the restroom. They walked towards the meeting room together. "Germany woof~" Lilith said when they entered the meeting room again. Germany look all embarrassed and was trying to hide his face.

"Little girl, can I ask you who you are?" Brussels croutched down in front of the girl while she asked asked the question to the little girl. She had worked with children before so she knew how to react and act around them.

"Oh~ Pretty girl" Lilith uttered and hugged Brussels. "Thank you?" Brussels said sounding very confused. Who is this girl? And more important, how did she get into the meeting room?

"Which language do you speak little girl?" The Belgian asked and looked at Lillith. She wanted to figure out the questions that she had in her head."English and French" The little girl answered.

When she saw France and England she grinned."Mommy, daddy, woof woof " The little girl said and giggled."Qu'est-ce qui se passe ici frère?" (What is going on here, brother?) Brussels was so confused that she seemed to have lost the ability to speak English. For an answer she looked confused at her big brother.

"She is my daughter." Francis said. You could hear in his voice that he was proud of her but also the confusion from earlier was still audible in his voice. What France said made Brussels raise an eyebrow."Quoi? Vous plaisantez,non?" (What? You are joking, right?)

Brussels couldn't completly understand what her brother just said. When should he? The Belgian was almost sure that she didn't even want to know how and when."C'est difficulte pour explainer, mais elle est mon fille" (It is hard to explain, but she is my daughter.)

Francis shook his head and looked at England before speaking up."No she is our daughter. Of England and I." He finished with a warm smile on his face that was returned by the Briton.

"Eh bien. Je n'ai pas l'intention de le rendre plus confuse qu'elle ne l'est déjà." Brussels said and looked at little girl again. "Petite fille plaisir de vous rencontre." (Oh ok, I don't have the intention to make this more confusing than it allready is. Little girl it is a pleasure to meet you)

The whole meeting room allready had a feeling that the confusing and weird stuff would not end there. How they all knew is a mystery but all of them seemed to see something coming. They weren't sure if is was a good or a bad thing.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2017 ⏰

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