Chapter: 2

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We all had spent the rest of the summer preparing for fall activities, working diligently to pull in the last of the summer crops. Those in the house like myself spent our days perfecting new recipes, our daily task and gathering fabrics for dresses and curtains to decorate the big house for the Annual Gala held at Sweet Water for Fall Solstice. I was especially excited, normally the Gala was a joyous occasion to all who attended and us slaves were even allowed to have one of our own. Every plantation within a 20 mile radius attended including their slaves who earned the privilege, though we hosted it each would bring the finest of dishes and spirits for the celebration, sharing amongst their brethren in merriment.

The masters celebrated in the big house, we celebrated in the barn and small chapel near the quarters. Most of the children and old folk attended the chapel celebration, eating food, dancing,shouting and hearing a word from Rev Tally and other preacha's until long after the sun went down. The barn Gala however was another story, the young people sure enough had a good time, dancing, cussing and drinking honey wine they'd made earlier in the year.  Even a few summer babies turned up after being conceived from the Gala celebrations every year. Which is precisely why up until this year I had only over heard the fun that happened in the barn, but since my 16th birthday was coming that October Ma'mere had agreed under the watchful eye of Josephine I could finally attend.

I had save scraps of fabric left over from Mistress Lacoste dresses and began making one of my own. Giggling as I envisioned myself as the belle of the ball, flittering about in my hand stitched gown. My full chestnut curls framing my oval face, loose with a cluster of white lilies pinned to the side. I was there in the center of the barn dancing solo when he appeared, this time we were face to face but his identity was still hidden fore he wore a mask. He clasped his hand within mine without words, we glided across the dusty barn floor as if it were buffed marble. Twirling and guiding me to the sharp tempo of the music. Though no band was present, I hadn't noticed until he spun me away that the only music we had heard was the sound of our own heart beats. His a rich bass and mine a swift crescendo, as I spun out he disappeared into thin air. I now stood there alone in the barn as the vision faded away and the scenery of the sewing room came back into focus. I finished cleaning up the scraps and thread pondering what it all meant and who the mystery man was that plagued my thoughts so often these days.

Master had requested I set up libations and some of his fine chocolates on the side porch, for himself and a visitor. I assumed the guest was of great importance, master had only served his expensive chocolate once to a visiting dignitary. I was anxious to see who he would be entertaining this afternoon that required such luxuries. I hide at the door, hoping to steal a glance as a single stallion approached the bottom steps. I could only see the right side of his red velvet blazer and gray trousers as he dismounted from his horse. Master gave out a hearty laugh before grabbing the young mans face to get a better look at him.

" Welcome home my boy, it has been quite a spell since I've gazed upon this face" - Master Lacoste

" Salut Pere' ( Hello Father)" - Warren Lacoste

They spoke mostly in French for a while before Master invited him to take a rest and enjoy the treats I had layed out for them.

"How have your travels treated you son, I was pleased to hear news of your studies abroad" - Master Lacoste

" Pleasantly father, I even had time to stop off and see my mother before returning to America" - Warren

The air grew still as master thought before his response, the moment almost becoming awkward.

" I surely hope life has been kind to Ms.Francois ?" - Master Lacoste

" Mrs.Lacoste grows more beautiful with each passing day, she looked the same as I last saw her when I was a boy. I spent a month in her vineyard in the country, she taught me how to make Merlot and even sent a package for you to add to your collection. Knowing you are still a connoisseur of fine spirits."

He went over to his horse to retrieve the package, handing it to his father. Master unwrapped it from a lavender satin handkerchief, the bottle an emerald green covered in a sandy brown label with the painting of a beautiful women's face. In bold italic gold letters read " Madame Lacoste Merlot 1818", an authentic yet earnest expression grew across his face.

"You must not forget to remind me to write and thank her personally, I will place this on the center shelf of my study with hopes to sample it in her presence one day." - Master Lacoste

"Of course father and that would be a grand experience indeed."- Warren

"Though I am surprised she still operates under that moniker, the family name does not hold the same influence it once did in our great homeland" - Master Lacoste

" Being that she is still a married woman in the land of France, one would assume it improper to go by any other. But I believe through her vision and effort the family name has been restored. Due to your original investment when we first came to America she has provided herself a simple and well life Father." - Warren

"It is rude and could result in a lashing if caught again imposing on my father's private affairs. Make yourself of good use and fetch me some shortbread cookies and sweet tea gyal" - Collins had caught and startled me as I listened in on master and his eldest sons reunion. I hurried to the request, as he joined them on the side porch.

"Well mercy me I must be seeing a ghost,surely this can't be my long lost brother returned to Sweet Water. I heard tales you were stranded in foreign land never to be seen again." - Collins teased .

"It is I kid brother, incarnate" - warren said as he stood to properly greet his little brother.

They exchanged pleasantries and rested a spell, their father relishing in the moment finally reunited with both his sons. I returned with the treats and fresh drinks for all, I tried to make haste of my presence  but was halted by Warren's magnetic gaze. His piercing smokey gray eyes studied my petit frame, I began to grow uncomfortable and merely stumbled trying to escape his attention. Once out of site a sigh of relief parted my lips, I could not believe my eyes. It was him, the dark locks and cocoa dusted creamy complexion, he had been the one from my visions. But why, there was no way our paths could ever cross in waking life. I was a mulatto and he a white Frenchmen, the nature of such a union was taboo and possibly deadly. I had decided I would avoid him if possible at all cost, history had showed me only harm came when a white man chose to lust after a negress.

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