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One week of hell in my new apartment. That's what I'm going to call here; hell. I hated my parents leaving last week and all I've done is sit in my room and cry. Except when I go to work, I don't cry then. 

All my neighbors are super nice, but I haven't met one of them because he hasn't moved in for the season yet, whatever that means. It was just another normal day of me waking up and crying and getting ready for work. 

I grabbed my purse and walked out of my apartment and locked my door and walked towards my car. I wasn't looking where I was going and walked into something big and strong. I immediately groaned and fell to the floor. 

"Oh my god I'm so sorry are you okay?" A deep voice asked from above as he helped me up. "Yeah I'm fine. I should've been watching were I was going." I said looking up at the man, he was very attractive, but not my type. Well he could be, not gonna lie. 

"Normally girls like you would be screaming by now." He said with a laugh and I was confused. "What do you mean?" I asked and he was shocked when I said that. "Do you not know who I am?" He asked. 

I shook my head no, trying to think if I did or not. "Giancarlo Stanton. Face of the Miami Marlins." He said trying to get me to know who he was. "I know of you, I don't watch baseball. My dad does and he's a huge Marlins fan." I said with a smile. 

"Good to know. You should bring him to a game one time, I could get you guys really good seats." He said with a smile. "Are you hitting on me?" I asked and checked the time, I really should be leaving but he's kind of cute and I don't want to blow him off. 

"I am not, just helping out a girl I knocked down in the hallway. Here's my number, text me whenever you guys want to come to a game." He said giving me his number then giving me a wink and then walking off. 

No Catalina, you can't do this to yourself, not again. I said to myself as I walked to my car to go to work. As I was walking into work, my phone rang and my dad was calling me. "Sweetie, how's everything going?" He asked and I smiled upon hearing his voice. 

"It's going, I met a new neighbor today. He actually knocked me down." I said with a laugh. "Is he a Marlin?" He asked, which is usual whenever I tell him I met a guy neighbor. "Yes, he actually is." I said with a laugh as I sat down at my desk. 

"Is it Giancarlo?" He asked and I knew he was getting really excited with more and more details I was giving him. "Yes dad it is and he said whenever I want to go to a game I can just text him and I'll give him tickets." I said. 

"Are you sure he's not just hitting on you?" He asked and I couldn't help but laugh. "Dad, I said the exact same thing to him and no he wasn't, just helping me out after he knocked me down." I said. 

"Can I go to the games too?" He asked, my dad was a baseball junkie. He knew everything there was to know about baseball and he collected baseball cards too, he was like a little kid. "Yes  dad, you can. But I have to go now before my boss kills me." I said logging into my computer. 

"Alright, just let me know when, I love you Cat." He said and we hung up and I got to work. I actually work in the human resources part of Marlins Park, so I obviously knew who Giancarlo Stanton was, I just didn't want him thinking I was some crazy fan. 

After an eight hour day of going through players cards and whatnot, it was finally time to go home. I sighed and gathered my things from my desk and walked out of my office and to my car. "Hey fancy meeting you here." I heard from behind me and I turned around and Giancarlo was standing there. 

"Hey, yeah I guess." I said with a laugh. "What are you doing here anyway, there's no game today and you didn't ask me to come here." He said and I smiled. "I actually work here." I said and his eyes went wide and then he laughed. 

"So you knew who I was, you just didn't want to say anything?" He asked as he stepped closer to me. "Yeah, didn't want to seem like a crazy fan or anything. We're just neighbors." I said with a shrug. 

"I've never met anyone like you. I don't even know your name." He said and I smiled. "It's Catalina." I said. "Catalina, I like that name. We'll I guess I'll see you around Cat. Is it okay if I call you that?" He asked before taking a few steps back. 

"It's more than okay if you call me that." I said with a smile and he waved and walked to his car. God the way my name rolled off his tongue gave me chills, I can totally get used to hearing that. I shook my head of my thoughts and got into my car and went back to my apartment. 

For one night since I've been here, I didn't cry because I missed home. I was actually happy with being here because of Giancarlo. 

I couldn't let myself get to into him because in the end I know I'm just going to get my heart broken again, but in all honesty, it was a risk that I was willing to take because he is so attractive and he seems so sweet. 

I just only hope that he's just like me and is scared to be lonely too. 


A/N: I'm back from vacation guys! It was a long and stressful day yesterday. I got into a car accident last night (I'm fine everyone) and the girl who hit me drove away before I could get her information. But tonight I'm going to a wrestling event for my boyfriends little brother, so that should be fun. I don't know when I'll update next, but be on the lookout! Love, Kristen xox

Scared To Be Lonely~Giancarlo StantonWhere stories live. Discover now