Chapter 2

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"You got me feeling so C-O-N-S-A-P-A-T-E-D!" Gazzy annoyingly sang

"Gazzy!" the Flock growled. "That's not even how you spell it." Ella muttered.

"Oh yeah? You spell it then."


"Guys. Please." I let out an exasperated sigh. "I want to get through this car ride without snapping someone's neck." They all just looked at me; the Flock turning their head towards me, Ella turning around in her seat, and my mother looking through the rear-view mirror. "I was kidding. ." I stated. After that, they went back to their normal conversations.

I looked over at Fang who's fingers were moving all over the keyboard of his laptop; his dark brown eyes focusing on the computer screen. I seen him glance at me for a quick moment and he got a playful glint in his eye as his lips twitched into a small grin.

I wanted to burst.

My attention roamed away from him as my mother's voice silenced everyone.

"We're here, guys."

After that, everyone looked out of a window. Great. We made it.

The most likely hated by everyone; grocery store.

Everyone got out of the mini-van and I heard Nudge let out a huff. "Who goes to a grocery store at 10:30 in the morning?"

"Good question." Iggy remarked. Fang put his laptop in its case and got out, closing the door. I lifted up Angel in my arms, allowing her to sit on my shoulder. She swung her other leg around, sitting on them both as I held her legs. "Let's blow this joint." I murmured with a sarcastic amount of enthusiasm. Angel giggled quietly. "It won't be that bad." she said as she kissed the top of my head. I smiled a bit. "We'll see."

We walked inside of the grocery store as my mother got the shopping cart. Fang slipped his hands into the pocket of his hoodie and looked around. As we strolled down an aisle, Angel had another smile plastered on her face as she looked down at me. "You really like him, don't you?" she whispered, causing me to slightly trip over myself. "Angel!" I scoffed. "Don't be ridiculous."

Damn. That kid. .

My thoughts were interrupted as my mother stopped in her tracks. The Flock stopped as well as they looked at her, confused. In a blink of an eye later, she collapsed onto the floor, right in front of us all.

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