Chapter 1: Hunting for the Pack

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  Eignar opened his mouth and tasted the air. He smelled an deer. He crouched close to the undergrowth and started stalking the deer. He blended in perfectly with the forest floor. The deer didn't see him coming. Until he jumped up, flapped his wings once, and fell on top of his prey, killing it with a swift bite to the neck.
  "Good." Fenrir said. He was the leader of the hunting party. Eignar was filled with joy. He loved helping the pack in any way. He knew he was different so even a little praise was a great moment for him. "Wait, I smell something." Brodring said. "A hawk." He said quietly. Eignar got ready to take to the sky. "I got this Eignar." He jumped on his powerful hindquarters and claw the tail feathers off of a hawk. It fell to the ground, and he landed on it, knocking the wind out of it. He picked it up with his mouth and put it with Eignar's deer and a squirrel. "Let's get this back to camp." Fenrir said.
  They started the long trudge to camp. But they stopped when they heard something. Wingbeats. Going straight to camp. "Dragons." Fenrir snarled. "In our territory. Let's go." He flicked his tail towards camp and they started running towards their camp.

  Alpha Sjertvar watched as five dragons landed in camp. A red one with two blue ones, a purple one and a yellow one right behind him. "Kormak. You dare insult our peace by invading our territory?" He snarled. The dragon growled right back. "You have my son. Give him back. Now!" Just then, at the wrong moment, the hunting party burst into camp.
  Damn them. Wrong time, Fenrir. Sjertvar thought. "Son. Come on. Let's go home." The three newcomers growled st the invaders. "Alpha, they broke the peace. You won't just let them barge into our home and demand a pack member!" Brodring said. "He's my son! You dare insult the Blood Emerald Tribe by turning my son into a savage!?" Sjertvar snarled. "You abandoned him! You left him to die! As far as I'm concerned, he is not your son! Now get out of our territory!" The Tribe Leader let loose a flame in the sky. "This isn't over, wolf. You hear me?! This isn't over!" He shouted, as he flew away. "Damn right it isn't." Was his response.

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