Chapter 2- Battle of the Crimson Den

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  Eignar was on top of a tree, curled up. He blended in perfectly with the leafy roof of Kormal Forest. He saw the dragons rise from the mountains they live in. They were in perfect formation. He saw his father as his red scales glittered in the blue sky. He crawled to a gap in the trees and glided down. Guran was waiting for him. "They're here?" A shadow fell over them as the war band passed their position. "Yes, as you can see. They are going to Camp." The wolf snorted. "As if they would find anything there. Let's go tell the others." They trudged off to a nearby abandoned foxhole where the pack was sheltering.
  Two of their strongest wolves were on guard. Guran was another of the strongest. They walked over to way Sjertvar was laying, conversing with Cora. "That might be a good idea, but what if they are lighter than we think?" Sjertvar considered that. "Then we could have Eignar put some wolves on the branches and they could pounce from above." Cora thought about that. "But the added weight would bring them down into the hole and they would be trapped, too. Look, our scouts have returned." He turned. "Eignar, Guran. They are here?" Guran shook his head. "No, alpha. They are going to camp." Sjertvar looked at Cora. "At least that plan worked." Cora snorted in response. "I have a perfect plan." She said. Sjertvar looked at her curiously. "Tell me. You two. Go. Get some rest, sharpen your claws. Prepare." Eignar and Guran left. "First we..."

  Kormak surveyed the camp before him. Cowards. He thought. "Virmir, Dorak. Start searching in the sky. Nurkim, Jork. Search the forest. The rest of you stay here with me and start making fortifications out of the trees. Cut them down with your claws." They started to get to work. I will get me son back. If it's the last thing I do.

  Eignar was sharpening his claws on a stone when the guards ran in. "They are here!" One of them, Yutnor, whisper-shouted. He growled. The other one went off to tell the alpha. Yutnor hid behind the stone as they heard voices. "I thought I just saw movement. It looked like a shadow was going inside this foxhole." Said a guttural, male voice. "A fox?" The other one asked sarcastically. "No... This place is abandoned." They heard a sniff. "I smell wolf." He snarled. They heard a whack. "Foxes smell like wolves, boar-brain. Come on. I thought I saw something over here." They heard footsteps. "A fox?" The first dragon asked. "What was that?" The second one hissed. "Nothing." They heard more footsteps, getting softer and softer as they went further away from the den.
  Sjertvar and the guard, along with Cora, Desen, Guran, and Toral, arrived at the entrance. Yutnor had already resumed his duties. Eignar had gone back to sharpening his claws. "Do you have bad eyes. Ugard?!" Sjertvar shouted. "There is no one here?! Perhaps your eyesight isn't what it used to be. Perhaps Lug should take your place." Eignar had jumped over to where they were. "Actually, Alpha, there were two dragons here. But they moved on after thinking our scent was actually fox scent." Sjertvar looked into his emerald eyes. His blue orbs pierced Eignar's scales and reached his soul. "Very well." He whipped around, and his escort followed him. Ugard stayed and resumed his duties after a quick thank you.
  Then, they suddenly heard wingbeats as the two dragons from before crashed through the trees and landed right by their den. The charged in, claws swinging everywhere. One opened his mouth to bite into Ugard's fur, but Yutnor put a paw in his mouth and scratched it up. Ugard countered with a claw swipe that scratched his eyes and left a mark on his scales. But then the dragon, in a fit of rage and half blindedness, stepped on the smaller wolf and tore up the fur and skin. Blood pooled out as Ugard died. Yutnor had jumped on the other dragon's back and was tearing at the thin membranes in the wing with his hind claws as he held on to the dragon's skin with his front claws. He had gotten under the enemy's scales. Eignar was almost hit as a burst of fire went by him. He jumped forward, swiping his claws at the other dragon, and staining his emerald scales with crimson blood. The dragon soon fell. Eignar moved on to the other dragon who was grappling with a wolf named Kilandra. She had a scratch on her eye that was bleeding but she fell the beast as Eignar distracted it with red-hot flames. Soon, Sjertvar and his escort had arrived again, with two more battle hungry wolves. But they saw the damage that had been done. Blood was spilling from Yutnor's belly, and Kilandra's eye was swollen shut. Ugard was lying dead with the dragons who had attacked. They had won, but at a terrible price. And more was yet to come.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2017 ⏰

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