School day

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Uhhh! Today is school why. Mom and dad are having a two weeks break off work so they will have one week to really enjoy.

I woke up lazily and got up and had my bath and brushed then I wore a black dress with a red jacket and red ankle wedge boots. Then I let my hair down and added my friendship bracelet and necklace with a little lipstick. I packed my books put my phone and laptop in my heart pink satchel. Then I grabbed ham sandwich and orange juice.

Amy wore a blue dress and blue high heels. Dawn wore a blue sleeveless shirt and jeans with flat black shoes. We entered he car and dad started a conversation " So you guys ready for a second term in school very soon Amy would be in senior high school and Avery would be a teen and dawn next'll be entering.. um..... a tween life."

We finally arrive in school and me and amy are very never nervous and are holding each others hand cause we are scared both of are friends are not going to be around for 3weeks. I finally have to leave amy and I bump into this cute guy.

" Am so sorry" I plead

" No need, am actually new and I don't know where exactly to go, am Josh by the way" he asked for a hand shake

I shook his hands and replied " Am Stephanie, nice to meet you, Am not new so I can show you around"

Am guessing this is the new guy Shana was talking about. Thank God I saw him first. After the tour Chloe and hillary came.

"Hey Stephy, who's this cute fellow? "Hillary asked. Am sure Josh is feeling quite happy about that.

"His name is Josh and he's new, Josh this is Hillary and Chloe and girls this is Josh"

The bell rang and it's time for assembly. It took 45 minutes before we got our classes thank God we are all in the same class. Our new teacher Miss Whitney asked us to all introduce ourselves, why the heck do you need to know are names?

After that she sat down quietly she didn't even mind the fact that we were talking. She is really nice and pretty, she has a slim figure and excellent shape, she is 22 and engaged. I got all that cause on Shana Mark's blog she gave all that information. She wore a white dress with pink jacket and black boots. Then she told us to write our names on a paper and give it to us. I was sitting with Josh and I was really getting to know him. We might only have 3 classes today and any extracurricular activities we like.

After that we continued talking then they gave us 5 minutes break which they always do. Five minutes break after each class unless we have recess or break which is one hr.

Then the bell rang which means we have five minutes before we have maths which Mr. Greed as we call him is teaching what happened to our former maths teacher. Shana mark comes beside my sit as I was preparing to leave. "Ahhh!!" I screams in fright

" he was fired cause he was on drugs" Shana mark said

She then left Josh and I were left in shock. Then Zoey wanted to video chat with me.

"Hey Zoey, look at Josh the new guy in our class."

" Hey Josh, how do you think the school is?"zoey asked

"It's quite nice thanks to Stephanie and her friends, if not I might have been lost" Josh said

" Once you know Stephy you're life changes for the better, she's one of the nicest girls you'll meet here" zoey said

"Well bye Zoey, we have to enjoy the remaining two minutes we have left befote class starts" i said

"Bye" zoey said

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