Life thoughts

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For those who skipped the apology and author's note. Please read it, it will stop any misunderstanding from arising.

~Sorry for first updating the story, for the first time in months with an author's note

I woke up thinking about my life when I was in London. I practically only moved because my mom was promoted and she really wanted to be here. I miss Maddison and Nicole, my Bff's. I left when I was 6, memories we had when we visited Queen Elizabeth, and now debbie couldn't see any of that. Sad.

I woke up, had my bathe and got ready for the day. I wasn't going anywhere today so I was probably going to go to church since it's already 7:00. I wore a cherry red dress with heels. I curled my hair and added makeup.

I helped dress Dawn and Debbie. We finally ate burger and got into the car.

We finally arrived at church as the priest came in he talked about the resurrection of Jesus and how we should follow him. At the end of church, he told us to buy Christian cd's for just $10.

We got home and Dawn wants to watch the princess sugar plum version of it. I snuck out so i don't have to bear that, and made kebabs outside they are so delicious. Mom came outside and watched me it or was contemplating her words.

"Darling is there something that's bugging you. You know am always here to help " I had to confide in her.

"Mom, do you still remember London and friends there. I miss living there and everything about it." I said.

"Sweety, I'll always miss home but anywhere can be home as long as your with your family. London is not my home and don't you remember, i always dreamed about living life in a place like atlanta.So I could be the best for my kids ans live my life to the fullest."

She hugged me and I kind of felt better . She was right but I still miss London but I understand were she's coming from.

Today am going with mom and debbie for her check up and to give money to charity.

I wore a red gown and black boots. I carried my phone and added a little makeup. I carried amy's Justin Bieber clothes and her makeup, she has a lot don't judge me.

Then I carried some of my old toys or junk as people call it and put in a bag. Am sure amy wouldn't know some of her lipsticks are missing.

I enter the car and just stare at the window, not really in the mood for talking. It's just.. I had a life back there and i was happy. I am happy here but I'm human gor Christ sake and i miss being there even though i love here.

It's just so hard to choose and i hate being in situations like this. One day, when looking for a university to go too, i honestly. don't know what to do.

I feel someone that my shoulder and i look over my shoulder and see everyone looking at me except dad, who's driving.

"It's okay stephy.Were right here " I guessing mom told them. Dawn hugs me and then brushes the tear on my cheek. She can really behave like a fish sometimes, but she is my little sis.

After having our brief session, they engage me in a conversation, talking about everything like memories we made.

I'm so happy these people are my family and i would want no one else. It's good to know that even when your sad, there's always people around to make you smile. They do have their flaws but they are honestly, The best.


Once we are done with Debby and head over to the orphanage, mom surprises me with one person i would love to see everyday.

"Josh" I say trying to sound not to surprised. I run over and tackle him with a hug.

"What are you doing here ?" I ask

"Well your sister called and said you needed some cheering up and i'm obviously the man for the job" He says attempting to sound manly but failing causing me too laugh.

"Hey you wouldn't stop talking about him. So a simple thank you will be fine " Of course Amy always has to be herself.

"Will be around?" My mom says with a smirk on her face "Call is when your done " Amy must have told her she thinks i have a crush on Josh. Mum walks away while dad just glares at Josh but follows suit.

"So what are you upset about?" Josh says getting right to the point.

I'm kind of anxious about telling Josh. He is a very unpredictable person and can decide to be pissed off as usual.

As if noticing my hesitation, Josh says " Trust me, OK. Am not running away".

We both sit down on the benches and it feels like I'm about to tell Josh, Im dying.

"I used to live in London, but left when i was six because my mom got promoted or rather, assigned to be part of some other area. I had friends and life was great and awesome and i was born there, so i kinda feel some sorth of attachment in London " i pause giving him time to process and also needing time to breathe.

"It's not like things are amazing here, but i can't change how i feel. I just sometimes wish i never left" i notice his seems sad about what i said. "But i kinda am happy i came to Atlanta. I got to meet people that are gonna be in my life, for as long as i live and won't have even gotten into a better dance school. I am grateful that i managed to meet people like you but looming at this all " I say glancing to my family and thinking of my friends and looking at Josh.

"This isn't something i wanna lose " i add feeling relieved that i finally got that off my chest.

To my surprise, Josh hugs me then plants a kiss on my head " I am happy that i met you. Now let's go have some fun " He says jumping like a kid and his smile is so contagious.

I grab his outstretched hand and follow him to where ever he wants to take me too.


After getting ice cream and playing in the grass and the playing laser tag, we decide it's time to head home.

"Hey Josh, you wanna stay for dinner" i find myself asking him.

"Sure" he replies and my parenta don't even bother asking about his parents. He never really talks about them, so i probably shouldn't ask.

After a hectic day of playing with dawn and Debbie, mom and dad retire and tell us to fend for ourselves.

We just order pizza since we are too exhausted to even move. When the door bell rings, Josh volunteer's to get the pizza and we allow. We all fill our tummies and chat about everything and anything and everyone seema to be enjoying Josh's company.

It makes me more confident as i look around the table, that i made the right decision about staying with these guys.

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