Cousins Visit

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Last time I left ya'll with a cliff- hanger, well sort of. But I need to stop talking, and get on with the story, so yea... :)

"How did you get my number?" I asked curiously.

"Um... something called 'School Directory'." Matthew laughed on the other end.

"Really?, you asked them for my name?!"

"Nah, your friend McKenna gave it to me." He sounded serious, for once.

That doesn't surprise me. What did surprise me was the fact that she waited so long to give it to him.

"So did your ride get there yet?" I asked.

"Oh, yea. I'm home already. I only live like five minutes from school."

"Oh, ok. Yea, twenty for me."

"Well, I guess I'd better go... My brother just got home and dinner's ready." He said... in a low voice.

Was he sad to hang up???

"Alright," I said trying to sound normal."I'll see you tomorrow, right?"

"Yea." he replied,"Definitely."

And with that he hung up.

Surprisingly the rest of the car ride was silent.


My cousins are from Pennsylvania; so they only come in during school time and for summer we usually go up there.

Their house is awesome! They have two dogs, chickens, a cat, pigs, and now two cows. We usually go four-wheeling, canoeing, and a lot of other stuff.

So yea, we are pretty close, though Kenneth (Kent) is the closest one to my age, he is only six months older than me, and never stops bragging about it!

Jeffery (Jeff), on the other hand, is two years older than both of us. He can still be aggravating, but Kent and I have a love-hate relationship, but with Jeff, it is hard to stay mad at him.

Kent is the school's bad-boy and Jeff can be, but you just can't hate him!

So yea, you get the picture...

I am now at home listening to Hunter Hayes & Imagine Dragons while looking through pictures.

"Shouldn't you be doin' homework?" Kent asks me. He is currently playing flappy bird.


"I'd be asking you the same thing." I replied and continued to scroll through my old photos.

"Well I'm off for the rest of this week and you aren't!" He argued.

"Well, fine then." I responded and left the room.

I ran into my room, slammed the door behind me, and jumped on my bed.

I knew I had a lot to study for so I did that for about two hours.

Now it's eight p.m. and I'm so tired. I hear a loud thump, then a bang on my door.

"Give it to me, Kent!" Jeffery is yelling.

"Sorry bro, you know I'm not that nice!" Kent says and I hear quick footsteps on the stairs, that I'm guessing are Kent dashing down the stairs.

I slowly rise from my bed, and crack open my door to see Jeff leaning against the wall glaring at the spot where Kent was previously standing.

"G'night," I whisper and open the door.

"Night," he says and gives me a brotherly hug.

It isn't weird giving him a hug because we are so close that they are almost like brothers to me.

I softly shut the door behind me and turn my alarm and fan on.

My fan is really loud so I know no one can hear me. Quietly, I sing myself to sleep.

Hey ya'll!!! Another update back-to-back! YOU'RE WELCOME! 😂😂😂😂 anyways, I'd better go...
Talk to ya'll later!





<3 Abbz

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