Lost soul

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Hi, my names Isabella Anderson, I am 20 years old and I'm a witch, a very powerful witch. You see my family has never been a family. When I was born my mother had me purified as she called it where 8 witches gave me their powers. My mother wanted to create a powerful witch for a purpose. That purpose she never told me.

When I turned 1, I began to show the signs of my powers and she was over the moon but when I was 6 years old,She put me through training to control my powers but that became a problem, my tiny form could not handle the power it possessed. I failed her tests as I couldn't control my powers. So my mother kept me hidden from view telling people that I had died of Cancer suddenly and they all believed her.

My mother hated for who I was, even though she made me this way so she through me away to other family.

My grandmother didn't care much for me as she was a werewolf, so she left me in the arms of my grand farther who was human. He was strict and very hard but deep under caring. He locked me up in grandmothers library where he showed me me her books on about supernatural creatures and the history. He beat me every-time my powers came on show, he told me repeatedly. 

"Don't feel, don't show, don't let them know, be the good girl you have to be" I could almost here him whispering it in my ear of the day my powers showed.

My grandfather was hard, very hard but once a year on a full moon he would give me free slide for the night. Where I could read spell books and learn how to use my magic and that helped me keep in control of all year round. I learned how to move things, make it rain, Make it snow! It was every kids dream. Even grandmother started to like me as I played with toys like normal kids and didn't play with a spark witch kids made.

But one day grandmother tripped on the stairs at the top, I knew she wouldn't survive because she was so old, so I stopped her. She grew mad, very mad at what I had done. She shouted and screamed at how I was nothing to her not when I was like this. She soon questioned how I was able to do this magic and found out from my grandfather about the 1 nights a year I got.

She beat me to a pulp. She screamed, slapped, punched and kicked. I was a disgrace and was not family of hers.  Since my mother didn't want me I was shipped off to a orphanage and that's when I decided...

 Family is nothing, family is weakness and family sorrow.

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