Chapter 1- meeting by chance

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The street was silent and dimly lit by the street lamps that loomed over empty roads. The dreary silence only interrupted by the occasional passing car.
It was the perfect place for Yukine to walk as he grew lost in thought. His arms rested in the pockets of his oversized sweater.

He thought of his fresh anger towards Yato and Hiyori, they were so close to each other. He felt the third wheel in their conversations and he hated it. He had stormed out of the house. He sometimes wondered why he put up with such a master. In his opinion he was lucky to have him as his shinki
Maybe he could go and see Kazuma, they had become more friendly recently.
He felt himself grow in anger, it filled him like steam, trailing out from his ears and vaporising from his red face.

In a burst of outrage he kicked the nearest object with his boot. This happened to be a large stone, which flung itself into another large object.

'Ouch' came the female voice which was followed by an alarming thud as objects hit the floor.

He felt a surge of guilt which compelled him to bend down and pick up the fallen books, only for the their foreheads to collide and send them both abruptly backwards.
The two of them groaned in surprise, 'I'm so sorry' Yukine began with one hand clutched to his swollen brow. He gazed up and for the first time met eyes with the victim of his tantrum. The girl had short brown hair, which lay as curls on her shoulders. Her facial features matched her gentle and warm expression.

Yukine could feel his cheeks begin to redden. 'No its fine' the girl replied softly. He bent down once more and passed the girl her books. He saw a glance of the title that read 'attack on titan'.
'Do you like manga?' She asked beaming to him.

Yukine did not know, he probably read it in his previous life but could not remember. 'I don't know'.

'Here' she said, Passing it to him. 'Read it and you can give it back to me tomorrow, My house is the one round the corner'.

Yukine's eyes lit up, he had not had many friendships that had ended well, except with Hiyori and Yato of course. Though he did not know how they would react to him befriending another human.
'Great, I'm Christa by the way' outstretching her hand to him, grinning ear to ear.
Yukine returned her smile and mirrored her taking her warm hand in his.
---------------------------------------------- So that's the first chapter! Sorry it will start quite slow pace, but please keep reading!!
To me this is such a anime introduction of new characters. Very dramatic. I'm sorry XD. Kind of like how yato and Hiyori meet.

Noragami- the semi-GodKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat