Chapter 2: People say you can never truly hate a sibling. I beg to differ.

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"Jas, I gotta go. I've just been caught stalking Rylan Keplan."

"WH-" the line went dead as I hung up on her.

I slowly stood up, making my eyes level with the window sill as I checked if the coast was clear. It was. I jumped up and shut my window as I called Jas back.

"Ellie! I'm in the car headed to get my grandmother. What just happened?" She picked up immediately, full of questions.

"I found out who moved in across the street?" I said hesitantly.

"Wait... Ryan Keplan moved in across the street from you?" I sat on my bed, listening to her. "Isn't he like really rich. Doesn't he like... get into trouble. Wait! I've also heard he was like... a genius. Oh, and that he's really..." I sighed and cut her of.

"Jas. Calm down it's not that big of a deal, those are just rumors. We can't judge a book by it's cover." I spoke from experience. "You know how Nikki and Jesse treat me just because they assume I'm exactly like my sister." I continued.

"You mean a manipulative, sly, cunning bitch? Yeah no not you. You can be an asshole but... sorry." She apologized.

"Ah, say what you want. People say you can never truly hate a sibling. I beg to differ. Having her gone is 100% worth the torment of Jesse and Nikki." I said casually as I thought about my sister. "You should come over? Maybe we can introduce ourselves? Be friendly neighbors?" I suggested.

"Yeah I'll come over but I'm not going to his house. One, I don't live in your neighborhood, and two, he's bad news, Adele." I sighed.

"I'm sure he's not that bad, you just have to meet him." I argued.

"You do that. I'll pass. I'm getting my grandmother now, and I'll come over after I drop her off. See you in a few." I laughed at the fear in Jasmine's voice. Sometimes, I forgot how dramatic she could be. I got up and went downstairs to make some food. As I rummaged through my kitchen, I kept glancing out my windows. The movers took out more boxes than I could've imagined would have fit in that truck. Eventually, I settled on making a can of soup, and sat at the counter whilst it heated up. I watched as Rylan came in and out of his house, helping the movers move in boxes. I couldn't help but notice a few things. First and most obviously, he was cute. I'm not one to swoon, but the boy wasn't ugly. He had a head of messy bleach blonde hair pushed over to the right. I also happened to notice that it was just him helping. Nobody else. I wondered where his family was, but before I could think more about it, the microwave beeped, signalling my soup was done.


"Ellie! Ellie! OPEN THE DOOR!" I heard Jasmine knocking, well slamming her fists against my door from in the bathroom. "EL- oh hi." She stopped screaming when I opened the door.

"What took so long? I've been here forever." Jasmine complained while grabbing a juice box from my fridge.

"I was peeing, and you were here for like 30 seconds. Also, don't drink all the juice boxes it's for the kids I babysit." I said as I led her upstairs.

"Yeah yeah whatever. So, back to what's important. Rylan Keplan has moved in across the street from you and your acting as if it's just any Sunday afternoon! Adele, have you gone insane? This is kind of a big deal. Why would someone super rich like him be living in your slightly below average neighborhood? And do you think he's still going to go to his super classy school/ or do you think he's going to transfer. All of this is vital information of which none we know! Adele? Are you listening to me?" Jas questioned my attention as I began to play with the hair ties on my wrist.

"Not really, but kind of. Vital information we don't know, he's rich. I'm doomed. This is a big deal. Yeah i caught the jist of it." I deadpanned.

"Your a jerk. I'm just a friend concerned for your well being. You should be glad. Plus, he's adorable. Have you seen him? Ugh..." She rambled on continuously.

"Jasmine?" She looked at me and shut up, waiting for me to continue. "Please shut up. I'm just glad my sister isn't here to latch onto him like a leech." 

"I second that, my friend." 

Dear "Online Diary" today has taken a turn. Turns out, my new neighbor is Rylan Keplan. One of the many notorious rich boys in my area. Jasmine was freaking out, as she does with everything, and after she left I kept thinking about the same thing I had told her. What if my sister were here. Oh, thank god she's not. She would have been all over him, whether he liked it or not. The same thought kept popping into my mind, considering she wasn't here, I actually had a shot to talk to someone who didn't actually hate me, or just not want to talk to me because of Aspen. However, I knew if I tried, he'd somehow figure out about my sister. Plus, he did have a reputation of being a "bad boy". Even though I don't believe in listening to rumors, as much as I tried to ignore them, they were still there. Either way trying to be his friend just wasn't worth the inevitability of getting hurt. Right?


Okay, so chapter two. I know I promised longer chapters, but I feel like keeping my chapters on the shorter side improves my writing, because I'm not trying to force out more material, ya know? Anyway thanks for reading, hope you enjoy my story so far!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2017 ⏰

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