Chapter One

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"C'mon let's goooo" Grace says drawing out the go knowing it will annoy me.

"But why Grace, we can just stay here" I say sitting against the wall in my room on my bed. I'm on my phone scrolling through Instagram.

"It'll be fun, summer just began, and we need to start off our freedom strong" she says.

"And I already told your mom we'd be going so if we don't she's gonna be pissed" she sings and I groan. I get up and change into a crop top and skinny jeans slipping on my sneakers before grabbing my phone and charger before looming up at her as I tie a flannel around my waist.

"Fine, I'm not going to be paying attention though" I say and we call an Uber and head to the amusement park.

"Let's go watch the show first" she says pointing to the paper she grabbed at the entrance.

"Fine" I say and let her drag me to the open stage area.

We sit in the middle area a few rows up.

I take my phone off and I don't notice the band walk out, nor do I notice them begin to play, and I don't notice everyone starting at me.

I look up from my phone to see all eyes on me.

"Amy what are you doing? Get off your phone!" Grace yells at me, but I'm not listening. Instead all my attention is on the boy who is watching me behind the drum set. He winks and says something to the boy with the microphone and he speaks up.

"Seems we got her attention didn't we?" Microphone boy says and everyone laughs. They begin to play the music again and I put my phone away, looking every once in a while to the boy behind the drums.

When they finish everyone cheers and they go behind doors into a building.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom, I'll see you in the line" I say and walk away, turning a corner making my way to the bathroom.

"Oh shit" I curse as I begin to fall to the ground. Instead of feeling the impact I feel a muscular arm wrap around my waist, and I feel light breathing fanning over my face. I feel a thumb stroking my back, running over my bra strap for a second. I gasp and arch my neck up gently.

"Oh gosh are you okay?" A voice says and I open my eyes. I make contact with a pair of green eyes. His hair is black and falls over his eyes.

"Yeah I'm okay" I breath as I keep looking into his emerald eyes.

"Aren't you the drummer?"

"Aren't you the girl from the audience?"

We say at the same time and he laughs, the sound leaving his plump lips that I would love to have connected with mine.

Calm down Amy you barely know who this guy is.

"Yeah that's me"

"Yeah I'm her"

We say again and we laugh, a light blush dusting my cheeks.

"Oh sorry, I'll let you go" he says and lets me go, his hand lingering around my waist for a brief second as his hand brushes the skin under my crop top making me shiver.

"Are you okay? I hope I didn't hurt you" he says and I look up, getting a better look at his face. His eyes are green and his hair is jet black, and his jaw is well defined. He is wearing a white shirt with a black leather jacket and black jeans. He is a good amount taller then me so I need to look up at him.

The Boy Behind The DrumsWhere stories live. Discover now