Chapter Two

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Caleb POV

When I wake up in the morning I reach over and grab my phone.

Good morning beautiful 😊💗

Good morning my sexy drummer 😘😍

Oh I'm sexy now huh?

You've always been sexy

Thanks babe *flips hair over shoulder*

Lol ok anyways anything new?

No not really there's a few shows today but that's it.

Really? Hm I wish I could go see you again, but I can't buy the ticket 😭

Meet me at the entrance

Wait what? At the amusement park?

Where else silly? Be there at 10:30
I'll meet you there.

Ok see you them 😊

I get out of bed and call a person who works at the park.


"Hi could you get a platinum pass ready for me? I'll be there in a half hour. Yes I'll be paying for it. Ok thank you" I say and hang up.

After Amy left there was two more shows and I didn't get back to my place until 12 at night.

I get up from bed and shower, when I get out I change into some black jeans and a grey shirt. I put on my shoes and some cologne on before checking the time.


I grab my phone, keys and charger before locking my door and walking to my car. As I pull out of the driveway I see my neighbor getting out of her house and standing on the sidewalk.

I get onto the freeway and drive to the park.

When I get there it's 11:20, so I walk to the entrance and look around. I don't see Amy so I lean against the wall and wait. After a few minutes I look up and see her chocolate brown hair bouncing around. She has a black skirt on with a white crop top and black Converse.

"Amy!" I yell and she turns, a large smile on her face. She runs to me and jumps. I catch her and she wraps her legs around my waist as I spin us around. She looks at me and kisses me and I smile against her lips.

Still holding her up, I walk us over to a more secluded part of the entrance, walking in between some bushes, getting to a spot only employees knkw about.

"I missed you to babe" I tease and she pulls away and smacks my head gently.

"Who said I missed you, maybe I thought you were someone else" she says and sticks her tongue out at me.

"Would you have let that person kiss you like this then?" I ask and she scrunches her face up.

"What-" I cut her off, connecting my lips to hers.

I turn us and push her back to the wall. I lean against her, wrapping her legs tighter around my waist. She runs her hands through my hair and I pull away, smirking at her flushed face.

"So, would you have let that person kiss you like that?" I ask and she takes a deep breath.

"No no only you" she says and I smile.

"Good" I say and she looks at me.

"So what are gonna do?" She asks and I smile.

Saying nothing, I walk us through the bushes, and to the entrance. I show the girl my employee ID and she nods, smiling at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2017 ⏰

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