u.n.i. // jolly

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It wasn't stalking, Olly always claimed. It was simply...admiring from afar. He likes to think he's not the only one who would do the same and he probably isn't. With that face and body and everything else, Jaymi was practically begging to be admired. From afar. Mostly by Olly, but you know. Admiring. Not stalking. If he would be stalking, he'd go thru Jaymi's Facebook profile and he certainly did not do that. Of course he didn't. Admiring. 

He couldn't tell you the exact moment it started, but he knew it was in his first year of uni. He was walking to his next class with his best friend when he saw him. He didn't know what made him look as well. He wasn't doing anything unusually, just walking. But Olly knew he was fucked. He kept it between himself and his best friend for a couple of months. He didn't see him often as well, so it was all okay. It was about a month before his first year of uni would finish when he found out his name. Olly and Emma -his best friend- had to go to art because they usually spent their time listening to music or talking or sleeping instead of actually working and somehow Jaymi was in the same class. He arrived late to class one day, so when the teacher called him out and Olly found out his name is Jaymi he spent about ten minutes having trouble breathing and keeping his..sounds, per say, to himself. Then Jaymi spoke and Olly was just about to die. 

The next time he heard Jaymi talk was about a week later and Olly and his group of friends were sitting by the library door and Jaymi and his friend walked to the library, only to find it locked. Jaymi's friend groaned and Jaymi said 'oh my god' in the gayest voice possible and Olly and his friends were having a hard time breathing because they were laughing so hard.

Months passed and Olly's second year of uni started and it was the first Tuesday after holidays when he saw Jaymi again. Olly and Cat were sitting in front of the class when Jaymi sat next to Cat. When Josh and JJ -Olly's best friends- arrived and Olly started talking to them, Jamyi stood up and stood in front of Olly, leaning over him to look out of the window Olly was leaning on. And well, Olly couldn't really focus for the rest of the day. 

As weeks passed, Olly saw Jaymi every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Everytime he'd see him, Jaymi would ignore his presence and Olly would be talking about him for the rest of the day. 

Jaymi did talk to Olly once, simply telling Olly where the photography books are even though he didn't ask and that was enough to give Olly a panic attack. 

Olly tried not to talk about Jaymi much becuse he knew his friends were getting annoyed by it, so tired to keep it all  in. 

Jaymi eventually found out Olly likes him, though. Cat's friend told him. Even though it was a lie. Kind of. He didnt know Jaymi, so he couldn't possibly like him. He just liked the way he looked. 

The firsey actually tlaked was the second day after their g hristmas holidays. Olly was talking to Emma when he looked over to where Jaymi was sitting and his head was turned to the side and well, if you'd see him at that moment, you couldn't really blame Olly when he basically moaned out an 'holy fuck Jaymi's jawbone'. He thought he was quiet enough, but based on the fact that Jaymi turned and looked at him, he figured he failed. Olly face palmed himself and spent the rest of the hour cursing himself. 

When the next break between classes came, Olly was sitting alone, waiting for Emma when he saw someone standing above him. He looked up, eyes widening when he saw Jaymi smirking at him. ''So, you like my jawbone, huh?'' 

Olly bllushed and looked down. ''I-what-no-i-of course not.'' HE stuttered. He heard Jaymi laugh. That was the second time he heard him laugh and he was about to freak out because it was just so beautiful. He was so caught up in his thoughts that he missed Jaymi leaning down, only realising when Jaymi's lips were next to his ear. 

u.n.i. // jollyWhere stories live. Discover now