11 / Grounded

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Hello Readers,

Ok so this note I'm writing to you is on a very serious note. The ending of this chapter is inappropriate to young and depressed audiences. Those of you who read this and will who self harm in anyway, please I'm giving you a warning that it might be somewhat triggering. I as the writer do not want to cause any harm to my readers in anyway, so if you think that you will be triggered or be upset, please do not read. If this is you and you want to know what happens, don't worry, I will summarise the chapter in the next in the beginning. I did not explain the self harm in full detail because it is personally too hard to write. But, I do imply it happens. So please, take caution.

Thank you babes,

- the writer

Chapter Eleven:

Castiel's POV:

Gabriel had to get to school early today because of some project. I waited sitting on the school steps, looking at the deserted grounds. I looked down at my hands, Dean's sleeve between my fingers. He nuzzled my nose in the collar, smelling in his smell. It smelled kinda like a muffled smell of him. Cinnamon, soft leather, burban, gasoline, warm, vanilla and just his general smell. The fabric was soft and thick.

"Hey faggot." A gruff voice smiled. I looked up, Crowley and his girlfriend, Abbadon.

"What do you want?" I mumbled, blinking awkwardly.

His lips curled into a sneer, "Why are wearing that sweater? Is it your boyfriend's?"

"Yes actually, it is."

"Where is your boyfriend, dick sucker?" Crowley smirked.

I clenched my teeth, "What's it to you?"

"I just want to know if he's far away, it's a simple question." I nodded slightly, I knew something was going to happening. Crowley smiled evilly, "Good. So he won't hear you scream."


I limped my way back home. I was bloody, tired, hurting, throbbing, and defeated. Crowley had maybe broke my nose, I dunno though. I opened the from door, groaning and grabbing my ribs. My mom turned around, shit I thought she was at work.

"Castiel James Novak!" She gasped, dropping her bag. Shit, shit, shit. "What happened?!"

"Uhm," I shifted. "I got into a fight."

Her eyes got bigger, "What?! How?! With who?! Why?!"

"Uhm, with uh, Crowley. I dunno, he doesn't like me I guess." I mumbled, glancing away.

"Crowley, Crowley the Scottish kid? You seriously don't know why?" She put her arms on my shoulder. I winced and shrugged. "Honey, are you OK? Here, get your hoodie off. I'll get some bandages. You need to stay home." She sat me down. I didn't want to take off my hoodie. It was bloody though so I pulled it off, wincing again. My mom was a doctor so she knew exactly what to do.

"Castiel, I'm sure you didn't start the fight, but, you know your father's rules. I have to ground you." She cleaned off my face with a wet cloth. "But, because you're so hurt I'll only take your phone away. Just for a couple days."

"What?! For how long?!" I looked at her with a horrified look. I need to text Dean.

"How about Friday I'll give it back. Isn't that when your friend Dean is coming back?" My mom was a good person, she always tried to make situations better than they were. I nodded quietly. I needed to text Dean. She held out her hand, I dropped my phone into it. "I'm sorry, Castiel. Stay home today, rest and get better. You can watch tv and eat plenty and drink some water. Make sure to clean your cuts each hour. Band-aids are in the cabinet." I nodded sullenly. I'll use Gabe's phone and if I need to call Dean I can use the home phone. "No calling anybody on the house phone," My mom looked at me sternly. Great, until Gabe got home I couldn't contact him.

And then Gabe came in the door. School had started 10 minutes ago, why was he home?

"Gabriel! Why are you not at school?!" My mother looked pissed. Gabe looked at me, I could read his expression. He was clearly confused about me being all beat up and then he gave me the "I'm ditching school" look. Great, he's gonna get grounded.

"To check on Cassie of course," he smiled.

"I know you're trying to ditch. Gabriel, we have talked about this many, many times! Give me your phone, your grounded. Go back to school, now. If you ditch again, you're loosing your phone and computer privileges. Now, go!" She pushed Gabe to the door. I could've sworn I saw steam come out of her ears. She pulled his phone out of his butt pocket. She shut both of our phones off and put them into her pockets. Great, thanks Gabe. I gave myself a mental not to punch him later.

"Now, Castiel go sit down. I'll get some water." I nodded and went into the living room. I sat down on the couch, tired as hell. She came over and put a glass of water into my hands. She kissed my forehead, "Get some rest." She left and I set down my glass and ran to the phone. I picked it out of it's socket. Wait, my mom would probably check the calls. She would see I would have called somebody, she would be pissed. I ran up to my computer into my room. Wait, what the hell would I do? I don't know if he even has an email. I sat down, sad and lonely. Guilt pressing against my heart, I brushed away a tear. Don't you dare cry, Cas.

Dean's POV:

Hey baby :) out of school? -DW

He didn't respond, I guess he wasn't out yet. Maybe he was studying, what a cutie. But he usually texted me even when studying. Whatever, maybe he was talking to his parents.

Baby, are you ok? :( are you mad at me for some reason? -DW

I'm sorry if I did anything :( -DW

Baby? -DW

I love you -DW

Dammit Cas! -DW

Where are you? -DW

I'm sorry you're probably busy :( -DW

I'm sorry -DW

Ugh I feel so pathetic :( -DW

I miss you ;( -DW

Ok baby I love you so much goodnight :*:*:* -DW

Please respond :(( -DW

I went on like this for 2 days. It was Wednesday now. Sam keeps asking me why I'm so sad. Dad is pissed at my attitude. I can't blame him.

"Dean, get over here." He growled.

I shuffled over, "Yes dad?"

"Why the hell are you acting like this? Do you not like the work?"

"No, I'm just...tired."

"Well wake the fuck up! It's putting everybody in some shitty moods, all because of you!" He slapped the side of my face and then he other side. I fell backwards, my ears ringing. "Clean yourself up, now." I ran into the bathroom. I was crying now. Stop crying, stop crying, stop crying. Shit. I pulled out my wallet and took out the tissue and the picture of Cas. I threw cried on his picture, my tears ruining it a little bit. I brushed them off, weakly. Why wasn't he responding to me? Him and Sammy were the things keeping me going and he wasn't responding. He hadn't for days! No contact whatsoever. Sammy is trying to help, but he's not Cas. I picked up the tissue paper and unfolded it. Wrapped around the paper was a small, sharp silver blade. I hadn't cut in a while but I just couldn't take it any longer. I sat down, I didn't want to cut my legs anymore. I brought the slender blade to my wrist and I'm not proud about what happened next.

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