15 / Final Chapter

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Chapter Fifteen:

Castiel's POV:

I woke up on Dean's chest. We were sitting on the couch in his basement, a blanket around his. I pushed it of, overheating. Dean was kinda sprawled out, a funny look on his face. His arm was around me and his other arm relaxed on his leg. He didn't look exactly comfortable, but he looked peaceful. Ever so slowly, I pushed him into laying down in a much more comfortable postion. His face didn't change, his beautiful lips pouting. His eyebrows furrowed sleepily, "Cas..."

"I'm right here, babe." I lifted his head and sat down, his head now in my lap. He wiggled around, finding a better position in my lap. He stopped moving when his hand was on my leg, his nose nuzzling my bare thigh. I smiled, putting my fingers in his dark, blond hair. I felt him smile into my leg, his hot breath on my skin. Dean's breath got slower and slower until he fell asleep, his chest rising and falling. I looked up, my eyes fel on Sam and Gabe. Gabe's head was Sam's shoulder, their fingers intwinded. Sam's eyes were closed, but I knew he was awake. Gabe sleepily nuzzled Sam's jaw, causing Sam to smile. He kissed Gabriel's forehead, his free hand brushing away Gabe's bangs. I wanted to wake up Dean, but he looked so peacful sleeping on my lap. I decided to tell him later. I traced his beautiful face with my fingertip, causing his lips to smile.

"What time is it baby?" he whispered, nibbling my leg softly.

"I dunno, maybe 3 or so." I outlined his back muscles with my finger. He sat up suddenly, looking into my eyes.

"We have to hurry!" he grabbed my hand, racing up to his room. Up there, he pulled on a clean t-shirt and changed his sweat-pants to jeans. He slipped on his shoes and grabbed my pants, giving them to me.

"Where are we going in such i rush?" I slid them on, picking up his hoddie and pulling it over my head.

He smirked and slipped on my trench coat, "It's a secret. C'mon." He pulled on my hand again, leading me downstairs. i put on my high-tops. "Sammy! Gabe! We're going out, don't have sex or anything!" Dean turned to the living room. All I heard was Sam grunt and Gabe sigh. Dean turned to me know, his beautiful eyes surrounding me, "Let's go, baby." We left his house and rode in the Impala for a bout a little under an hour. Dean stopped the Impala and the foot of a green hill, not as green as his eyes, though. We slipped out of the car and took hands, climbimg up the hill. Dean rubbed his thumb against my palm, smiling a smile I'd never seen before.

Dean's POV:

Castiel's hand was warm and soft between my fingers. We almost reached the top of the hill, just a few more feet. I was so exited to show him this place. Sammy and I took a break here last night, to watch the sun come up. I wanted to come here and show Cas the sun set. We finally made it to the top, the sky was smudged with pinks and oranges. Perfect timing. Cas smiled looking up, his eyes dancing with the colours of the sky. Sparkling and twinkling like crystals. He looked so...happy. Like a flower in sunshine, or a brain with thoughts. He looked so meant to be, so right. I know it had just been such a short time, but with Cas...it just felt so right. So meant to be.

I took his other hand, pulling him to look at me. His ocean eyes still shimmered as he looked at me. We just stood there, looking at each other. Niether of us spoke, we just looked. The light around us dimmed, it made Cas's face shine. It was just like a first kiss was like, you wanted to lean out and smash your lips against the other person's, but you just didn't. Holding his hands in the setting sun felt so perfect and innocent. Like two young lovers, holding their hands for the irst time.

"This is so beautiful, Dean." Cas's voice was hushed, like he didn't want to ruin the silence. I rested my head on his shoulder, breathing him in. He leaned his head agianst mine, wrapping his arms around my back. I felt him smiled into me, his noze nuzzling my jaw.

"I love you, Cas." I murmured into his. I felt a hot, orange light on my face. I looked up, the sun was setting, deep down into the dark abyss. The hill we stood on was above the city and town. I pulled away from Cas, but for good reason. I don't know why I said the things I said but I said them with m entire being.

"I LOVE CASTIEL JAMES NOVAK WITH MY ENTIRE SOUL AND I DON"T CARE WHO KNOWS IT!" I yelled into the air. My voice rang throughout the town. It wasn't like in movies, where someone said that and then everyone in the town hears and steps out of their shops and cars to try to see me. Everyone kept going on what they were doing, exept for Cas. I felt his hands on my back, turning me into him. He pulled me in a bearhug, his face fully into my chest.

I could feel hot tears roll down his cheeks, melting into me, "I-I've never h-had anyo-one say anything l-like that t-to m-me bef-fore." His words were quiet and whisperish.

I pulled him closer, "I've never loved anybody this much before."


Hey guys! Ok sorry this ff got hella emotional and stuff like whoops. And sorry that I updated it weirdly but I was on holiday as I wrote this and wifi was good some days and bad the others so I excuse myself. Thanks for reading it. Comment and vote and all that jazz. Sorry this last chapter was kinda short but excuse me for having writer's block. Ok, a highschool JohnLock is coming soon and maybe just another Destiel bc OTP. Give suggestions for ff in the comments if you want. Ok, anyway bye bye read my other ffs.

- the writer

Instagram: @grubge
Sass Instagram: @testiclelips
Fandom Instagram: @howimet_thewinchesters

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