#2: A Battle Won

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Takuma Seishirou, a successful company president at the age of 25,  looked down from my condominium and watched the busy city. Its good to be back here in Japan. Nikki-san, the company's supervisor adviced me to take a vacation for 2 months. He kept track of my working schedules. I guess he doesnt want me to become like him. There were sounds from the kitchen that's why he checked on it and saw Masaru ransacking his refrigerator. "I dont eat chips and chocolates", Seishirou sighed and it startled him.

Name: Touma MasaruAge: 30Status: Personal Assistant of Seishirou

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Name: Touma Masaru
Age: 30
Status: Personal Assistant of Seishirou

"Pffft. Boss, you need to have a life. You're nearly perfect and even in your food diet?!", Masaru pointed at the vegetables inside the fridge. A short laugh escaped the boss' mouth. This is Touma Masaru, his personal assistant. "Masaru, are there any call for me?", Seishirou asked. "The Company Supervisor asked me not to let you go stress for two months", Masaru crossed his arms. "Oh, who's the boss now?", Seishirou grabbed on his neck and locked it with my arms. He grabbed on his phone and saw one unknown number. "Hmmm? Are you being chased by girls now?", Seishirou teased. Masaru sighed and explained that it was a worker from a studio that wants to have my tuxedo. "Then, give it to her", he ordered Masaru. "Are you kidding? You're using it for an important event", Masaru shook his head. "I can just go and look for another one. Plus, she might loose her job", Seishirou reminded. Masaru smiled. "I dont know why you're so nice and yet you dont have any luck for girls", Masaru dropped a worried look on Seishirou. "Could it be... you would prefer me?", Masaru made some distance from Seishirou. The guy just laughed and left Masaru hanging.

Sanada's Studio

Sakura kept circling around and her nails are already turning purple. "Sit down Isana-san. You're going to faint in no time", Daichi tried to calm her. "It's already a week and I havent got a hold of the item!!!", Sakura cried. "What are you doing here? Start with the set up", Yumi entered. Sakura knelt down. "Sorry, Boss. I will really do good the next time", Sakura begged. "What are you saying?", Yumi asked. Sakura raised her face and saw someone carrying the tuxedo. "Touma Masaru-san?!!!", Sakura stood on her feet and bowed very low. "Thank you!", she shouted. The man just smiled and handed the clothe. "Then, off I go", he excused himseld. "Wait, I'll be returning the favor. Can you wait for me? I'll just do the set up in 20 minutes", Sakura informed and started fixing the photoshoot area.

They both went out of the building. "Do you want some ice cream or coffee?", Sakura asked. "No. I'm good. I also wanted to visit the studio, that's why", the man answered. "Your voice changed, Touma-san.", Sakura noticed. Seishirou forced a laugh. Sakura looked at her watch. "I still have 30 minutes. Let's go and have some ramen", Sakura led the way. "Say, Touma-san. You said the tuxedo was for your work. Are you really sure you'll be fine?", Sakura asked. "Well, that was actually for my boss", Seishirou answered. "Boss. So you work under a boss? Is he nice to you? You said it is needed for an important event", Sakura remembered. "Ah, an important event? Well, that's for his friend's engagement party. My boss is actually amazingly nice", Seishirou laughed at his second statement. "Is he actually a person who would order the lightning to strike you if you commit a mistake? No way, he actually have the clothes", Sakura trembled remembering Yumi. Sakura looked at Seishirou from head to toe. He's wearing a black and white sweatshirt and jeans. "You're in a day off?"

Ramen House.

"Oh, Isana. You're here", the manager greeted. "Two ramen", Sakura ordered. "Thanks", Seishirou sat beside her. "Say Touma-san. What work do you do?", Sakura asked. "Well, I... I... check my boss' schedule", Seishirou answered. "You're not even sure of your work already? Are you okay?", Sakura asked. Seishirou force a laugh. "You were just asking me. How about you? You're a full time worker?", Seishirou asked. "I'm a psychology student Touma-san and working at the same time", Sakura answered. "That's great", Seishirou said while mixing the ramen. "I'll be graduating next year that's why I have to work harder", Sakura punched the air. Seishirou smiled while looking at Sakura. "You're creepily smiling, Touma-san. Just so you know, you might look really handsome but the more handsome you are, they say you're more prone to be a womanizer", Sakura pointed at him. Seishirou choked on what she said. The girl offered a drink. "I was just kidding. How old are you Touma-san?", Sakura asked. "I'm 25", Seishirou answered. "You're so old", Sakura gasped. Vein popped out of Seishirou's head. "You dont look like one. Then, I'll be going", Sakura ate her ramen in an instant and stood up. "See you again, Touma-san. Thank you again for saving me. Unblock my number on your phone. Okay?", Sakura bowed and left.

Seishirou stayed at the Ramen house. "Mister, are you that girl's friend?", the manager asked. "I just met her today", Seishirou answered. "I see. Isana is a great person. She was just misled", the store manager smiled. Seishirou was more curiosed. He went back to the condominium and saw Masaru playing a video game. "Masaru. I'll be borrowing your name for a while", Seishirou asked for permission. Masaru just yawned and gave a thumbs up. "Really?!", Seishirou was shocked with his reaction. "The heck would I!!!", Masaru threw the controller on the floor and kneeled in front of Seishirou. "You shouldnt be working right now or stressing yourself", Masaru clung unto his leg. "Masaru. It'll just be for 2 months", Seishirou smiled.

Takuma Seishirou's POV

Is it me or the environment that's making me feel nostalgic about the old times? It's been 4 years since the last time I've been here. I guess I should also give Sayuri a visit beforer her engagement party next month. Her engagement party.

Yui: Oh, Sei... you called?

Sei: Yui, when are you coming back? I dont have a lot of people to visit here in Japan. Hope we can go around and just do the usual thing we do with Kyouya and Sayuri.

Yui: Well, Sure. I'll be there after two weeks. Well, meet some new people. Who knows, they might be someone who can give you inspiration for your next project.

Sei: Okay then.

Yui: Sei. I heard you have been sticking your nose for work. Take care of your body.

Sei: Same goes to you

Yui: Sei, let me remind you for the nth time. Never close your heart to anyone. I think your vacation will really be meaningful

Sei: Thank you, Yui. I'll be waiting for you.

As much as you tell me, there's still a hole inside my heart. Even if I try, I can't seems to find the way how it patch it back again and fill the emptiness.

It was raining that day.

It was raining when a hole started to suck everything out from me.

Author's note:

If you want to read the sequels, you might also need to.

Thanks for reading :)

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