Chapter 13

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"Who knew people actually liked you?"

I pouted, feeling uncomfortably upset with Steve's harsh words. He seemed to notice my reaction and looked away himself, awkwardly almost. I think I've come to rather the insanely agitated feeling that I used to get when I was around Steve. Now, this feeling of comfort and friendliness was getting in the way, especially with our interactions. Right at this moment, I should have been willing to yell back at him, calling him some cruel name which my mother dear would turn her nose up at. And yet, here I was, feeling sorry for myself. Feeling sorry that Steve did appreciate my company as much as I did his. It hurt in a way, a silly way. It reminded me of the relationship that I had always had with my family, especially my sisters. At least, at times, my parents made an effort. Although, granted, it wasn't much. But it was something.

"Don't listen to him love," Martin said, giving me a playful nudge in the side as he caught up with me on the path, "He has always been the jealous type."

I smiled lightly up at Martin. Yep, he sure had a way with cheering up people. He may not have been the best looking and a little on the thin side, but his personality made up for it. He was an out-and-out nice chap, someone who I was beginning to enjoy spending time with. That made me uncomfortable. In a few weeks this, whatever it was, would be over and we would all go our separate ways. I would move to Dublin and he would go back to where ever he came from.

"Thanks," I said, taking another glance at him from the corner of my eyes. The more I looked at him, the more attractive I found him. Not that I would be jumping his bones any time now. Oh no, that would be far off the line.

"Don't mention it."

I shook my head, just as we were passing the bus stop that was on the other side of the road. I immediately recognised the girl waiting there, shifting quickly from one foot to the next, anxious almost.

Betty's long hair blew about in the breeze as she pulled her fur-lined coat closer to her almost naked skin. I didn't like to say it, but I had previously told her so. If she continued to dress like that she was bound to get a cold. There was no doubt in my mind.

Still, as I watched her, coming to a halt, I noticed that she didn't look as confident as usual, nervous in her actions. She glanced around herself, wary of any who passed her. I was surprised that she hadn't taken note of my presence yet but I was glad in a way.

"You coming? Or are you going to hold up the show all day?"

I looked up at Steve who was watching me with an agitated expression. My head swung back once more as the bus ran up, picking up any passengers to go to the town. It was a quick decision, not a ounce of thought spent on it.

"I need to go," I replied, not even sparing a glance at him as I started to cross the road.

"Girlie! What are you at?"

"Here!" I said, swinging around quickly, firing my house keys at the surprised man. I continued on my slow jog. "Let yourself in, would you?"


"I'll see you later!"


I took one look back as Martin called my name, his eyes wide as I ran from him and Steve. I hoped that they wouldn't take it personally, after all this was just business. And I was planning on finding out more about Betty, which might just help the case. I prayed that it wouldn't, that I was a fool for suspecting Betty's involvement. But I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more than what met the eye here, she was hiding something. That I was sure of. It was just a matter of what and how important it truly was.

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