Chapter 10

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4 years later


'Finally! Weekend!' I say while I open the front door. I smell something tasty and that must mean Dan is cooking. It smells very good.

I pull my shoes off and throw my jacket on a chair when I walk into the little kitchen. There I see my man cooking and I smile. I sneak up to him and put my hands over his eyes.

'Ahh!' I chuckle and he turns around. He smiles and I peck him on the lips.

'Welcome home,' he says with a cheesy smile and pull my hands of off his eyes.

'No better feeling than coming home and smelling food,' I say and I laugh at my own lame joke. Could I sink any lower? Probably not, no. But I don't even really care anymore.

'Well we are eating macaroni and you better like it.' I shake my head and pull away from him.

'I'll set the table,' I say and he shakes his head.

'Let's just eat in the living room, tonight. Just on the couch, the two of us. Watching the telly. Pretty cozy, right?' he says and I just laugh. How can I say no to this?

'Alright, well I am almost done with dinner, just wait for me.'

'Yes sir,' I say and I turn on my heel and make my way to the living room.

Today was exhausting. I needed to work in. There's never a real rest day in this life, right? You always just have to study or work. I loved when I was in uni. One of the best times of my life. Making new friends and being accepted. That was such a relieve for me and Dan. Of course there will always people who will hate on you. And I still don't know what I did wrong to get all that hate. Just for loving a person. Such a good reason. Did anyone notice the sarcasm?


'Dinner was good,' I say and I smile at Dan. We put the plates on the table and I rest my head on his shoulder.

'Yeah it wasn't bad,' he says. I sit straight up and look at him.

'Don't say that. It was really, really good! I loved it,' I say and I pull one eyebrow up.

'Sure, sure.' He just doesn't believe me.

'Dan you are like a really good cook! Just believe me and accept my compliment, please?' I say and he nods. It is silent for a few minutes. Only the television making sound.

'Do you remember our first kiss?' he suddenly asks and I snap my head up. I almost fell asleep, cuddled onto him.

'Of course I do,' I say and he smiles at me.

'Truth and dare has been my favourite game since then,' he says and his look is on the telly. I smile and kiss his cheek.

'Not mine. I thought I made a complete fool of myself. I liked you even more since then. But I thought you didn't want anything to do with me.' I am honest with him and he corrugates.

'You know since that kiss I was so confused. My feelings were a mystery for me. But I saw you come and go everyday. And I just had some feeling every time I looked at your face. And then we kissed again. And I still don't know until this day if I am gay or bi or you are just an exception, but I just don't care. I know I love you and that I want to be with you forever. Being with you doesn't mean happiness and butterflies all the times. But I still don't give a fuck.'

I am so surprised he says all this. He was never the one to tell his feelings. But he just told me his feelings and the warm feeling I already had gets hotter. I sit up and move on his lap. Then I look him in the eyes and just cup one cheek with my hand.

'Thank you,' I say before I move forward to kiss him. This kiss is sweet and some sort of passion is there I have never felt before. And he kisses me back. And there we are. On a Friday night, kissing. That sounds a bit strange doesn't it? Maybe it does. But I don't really care about the opinions of other people. Only my boyfriends and my parents. Maybe my friends. Maybe not. But I just love the feeling of this. How normal it has become over the past four years. And also walking on the street. Hand in hand. Little kisses here and there. Doing normal couple stuff. And most people just send one gaze and continue walking. Of course we get remarks. But we just ignore it. It doesn't really effects us anymore.

He deepens the kiss and when I pull back to get some air I look him in the eyes.

'I love you,' he says and I kiss him again. Guess my answer.

And yes, this life may be hard and not always fair. But in the end the ones who hold on will always win. And I think I've won this challenge. Up to the next one.


Who doesn't love a good sappy end right? And no their fight is not over yet and it will never be. They'll always have to fight against hate. And so does everyone. Not only gay people. There will always people who will hate on you. For no reason or for a reason. However you got to be stronger than the hate.

This may sound cheesy, but you can always talk to me if you want. I never hate on someone without a good reason.

Thank you all for reading this. It was a good experience to write. I loved it. I just hope everyone's realised that there is nothing wrong with being gay. That it's not a choice. And that love is love.

Thank you again.

-Jenna, xx

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