*Royal Mission*

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Caecilia Brook

Alpha King Keegan Norwood's voice reverberated across the crowd all the way to the back. Pack members were gathered for the Royal event. Six of us, the chosen warriors stood in a straight line facing him. Our eyes reflected the same determination to succeed and eliminate the opponents in the game.

King Keegan declared "Game of Life and Death has been organized in Norwood's family for generations. Once in every five years, only the chosen warriors are allowed to participate. They need to kill each other to remain alive and the one who survives till the end of the game will be given the title of Royal Assassin." It's both an honour and pity to be chosen to participate in the game, only one comes out alive and others will walk the path to the moon.

King Keegan referred us and stated "After you enter the Blackwood forest there is no turning back, you can not quit. Either you come out alive or dead. Only one warrior will survive and rise above you all."

I remembered the day as fresh as a daisy, like every other day when a new pup comes in for an addition.

Alana, the guardian wolf made us sit in a circle around the fire after dinner and told us about the story of the origin of werewolf legend. The orange flames from the burning wood emitted a soft glow around us, projecting huge shadows in the background making us looked like big monsters but in reality, we were all small orphaned pups. I was a new born pup when my parents abandoned me and left me on the outskirts of Doronos. I was brought to the king by the warriors, he was kind enough to let me stay in the pack.

That day I did not sit with them, I sat at the edge of the lake alone. My ankles were dipped in cold water and Alana's soft voice coming into my ears.

"That's not the end, there is more to the story" I did not realize when King Keegan came and stood behind me. He spoke in his deep voice "only a few warriors are destined to become a Royal Assassin who has perfected the art of fighting and killing. I can see that potential in you if you are trained properly you can become a weapon to kill and feared by the enemies."

I listened to his words and stared at him with my hope filled eyes. He believed in me that I can be something worth value. My family had abandoned me so the only thought that ever crossed my mind was that I was not good enough for them.

After that day I knew what I wanted to become and started my training from an early age, at times my body would protest but I did not stop. Now the time has come to test my skills.

I was deliberately moving forward in the Blackwood forest focusing intently on any faint noises and suspicious movements. The forest was dark and foreboding, hardly any light filtered through the dense canopy. The blackness was suffocating every living soul in the forest. I made my way through the narrow spaces between the trees that stood strong for years upholding themselves against rains and storms. A blurry image passed from my right. I turned abruptly, tightly gripping the arrow and pointed the crossbow at no one in particular.

The leaves crushed behind me. I waited. Silently. The most effective way to attack when someone is not expecting and there will be lesser chances to recover from the blow. The footsteps were coming closer, in a flash, I turned around and pointed the crossbow at his chest. I drew the arrow and lose it. The arrow penetrated against his body armour and hit him right in the chest. He made a gurgling noise as blood started to ooze out from his mouth. He fell to the ground with a loud thump and lay motionless.

Another step closer. Only a few were remained alive.

A sharp pain jolted from the back of my upper thigh, I quickly turned. An opponent held a silver dagger in his hand, the blade was glinting in the dark coated with my blood. He stabbed me from behind. He broke the WOLF LAW. Never attack your enemy when he is facing away from you. I pressed my palm on the wound to stop bleeding. He lunged forward with his dagger to stab me again. I sidestepped for my defence but my legs could not put up with the pressure and I fell to the ground. With a malicious grin, he approached towards me. I gave him the impression of my vulnerable state but I put pressure on my good leg and dragged myself towards my only shield. He lunged at me in full force aiming the dagger at my heart and just in time I got hold of the crossbow and pointed at him. His expression changed to horror when I lose the arrow. It hit him square in the middle of his forehead. Bull's eye. I did not stop, shot arrow one after another until he was dead.

I strode over to the lifeless bodies, moving forward into the deeper and denser. No one can be left behind. ALIVE. That's the RULE.

Fainted sound of crying coming to my ears. I followed the trail and behind the shadow of the bushes, I found Lyra. She was clutching her bloody stomach leaning onto a tree for support, noticing my presence she looked at me with her frightened eyes.

She whimpered "Are you going to kill me? Caecilia."

We grew up together under the same roof, we were never close. I hardly opened myself to anyone. The only thing I was focused and need to achieve was to become the Royal Assassin.

"No." I confirmed. She stared at me in confusion. "I will not kill you Lyra if you promise me you will never come back. You know the rules."

She nodded in agreement. I ripped at the bottom of my shirt and wrapped the piece of cloth on the deep gash on her stomach. I gave her the silver dagger I took from the dead warrior and left her behind. That's the only option for her safety and survival. I broke ANOTHER WOLF LAW.

Coming out of the shadow of the BlackWood forest, pack members started cheering, clapping to welcome the Royal Assassin. King Keegan looked fixedly at me standing on the raised platform.

The commanding tone of the General silenced the crowd. He stated "Caecilia Brook has proven herself through several challenges and difficulties. She is a remarkable fighter and she earned her right to be the Royal assassin."

He regarded me and said,"Now repeat after me."

"I, Caecilia Brook, pledge that I will be loyal and faithful to the king and his kingdom. I will carry out his commands, follow his every order without raising any questions and be under his service as long as I shall live."

The king declared "Your duty as a Royal Assassin starts from this minute, you will move to the city to complete your first mission. Our society is hidden from the humans to keep us safe and protected. But every now and then humans posed threat to us and seeks to find our existence but we can not let that happen. Before their curiosity spreads like fires and involves others we have to stop them."

He continued "A human researcher, Jove Reiner, has been researching for quite a long time about our existence and sharing his theories to the world. I want you to bring him here alive. You will kill him in the trial ground for every pack member to witness. You will leave tonight. Everything you need in the city was arranged." He ordered me.

How could a mere human harm us, we are werewolves?

Jove Reiner, you should fear for your life because I am coming for you to kill you.

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