*Silver Mark*

130 11 45

Caecilia Brook

Alpha King Keegan sat on the royal throne assessing Jove with his penetrating gaze. He was chained to the iron pole, the pole was covered in rust but did not lose its strength. The pack members gathered around the trial ground forming a tight circle. They are curious to witness a human for the first time in the trial ground. Before him, no human has ever stepped foot in our territory. But sadly for him, there will be no trial the King will only pass the judgement.

King Keegan spoke in his authoritative tone "Jove Reiner, you have found guilty conspiring against the werewolves. You want to reveal our society to the outside world which is a heinous crime. Everyone present here is capable of taking your life but I give this honour to my personal assassin Caecilia Brook." He eyed me briefly. "I ordered you to kil..."

"It's not an honour. She needs to kill her mate so the Silver Mark will never get triggered and you will live a healthy long life, full of lies. You knew it very well that if she kills her mate with her own hands she will never get a second chance mate and all your lies would stay safe how you intend to. But if someone else kills her mate, the moon will give her another chance. Why not finish the job in the first time so it never gives you any trouble later. Without her mate's blood, she will never gain the immense power and strength she was born with and she would be easy to defeat." Jove accused King Keegan. Everyone gasped in horror. No one ever dared to speak in front of him unless he has given permission. He was not only interrupted him but made the accusation against him.

King Keegan stood up from his throne, his eyes filled with rage "How dare you accused me in front of my pack, standing in my land. I can take your life this instant. Caecilia was born with the Silver Mark curse. She is a lone wolf without her mate. She was born to become a Royal Assassin and dedicate her life to the service of her King." I lowered my gaze to the ground, each word is a hard reminder of my unfortunate future.

Jove yelled, anger dripping from his voice. "She is not cursed, she never was. She is blessed by the moon itself. You lied to her from the very beginning, her whole life is based on a bunch of lies you told her." I stood frozen in my spot, I could not come to the terms with Jove's words. Several conflicting thoughts were swirling in my mind.

"As your King, I ordered you, Caecilia Brook, to kill him. You must honour your duty. Don't you see he is playing with your mind, turning you against your King? He will tell you anything to get out of here alive."

The general presented me the royal dagger, I hold it firmly in my clutch and turned to face Jove. He looked straight into my eyes with his head held high, challenging me to do it.

My hand started to shake, my breathing became accelerated. I can't do this. I can't do this. The pull I am feeling towards him forcing me to believe him. I aimed the dagger towards him but last minute I pulled it away and it ripped his shirts. My eyes fell on a glint of silver in his skin.

I questioned Alpha Keegan "Why would he lie? And why does he also has the same Silver Mark as mine in the same place." I tore his shirt apart into pieces for everyone to witness.

" I am not bound to give you any answer I am your king." He angrily responded.

"We made you our king, we deserve to know the truth." I demanded, moving forward towards him with my threatening steps. The crowds did not appreciate the tone of their alpha and started to voice their thoughts, demanding for answers. The first seed of doubt has already been planted in their minds.

"If that's your last wish." He replied. The warriors surrounded me, aiming their weapons at me forming a protective wall for their King.

"Every 100 years, moon shower her blessing to a wolf and that wolf bear the Silver Mark from his birth. It is believed the wolf is born with supreme power and immense strength to rule the kingdom. But the Mark will remain dormant until he claims his mate. His mate must have the Silver Mark on her skin and the mark will only get triggered when they drink each other's blood. The Werewolves comes into existence from the curse of the moon and the spell of the witch. The Silver Mark bound together the Wolf and the Witch. In your case, the Wolf and the Warlock."

Suddenly, a tormenting pain sears through my abdomen, clutching myself I fell onto the ground. Jove was grunting in pain, blood dripping from the stab wound in his stomach. The General circled around him and drew the blade into his chest in a straight line. The blood followed behind, flowing in long thin threads"

"Stop. Stop." I screamed. The pain was coming in waves and coursing through the thick layers of my skin. My vision was blinded with tears.

He hissed."No one insults me and gets away with it. I am the Alpha King. I never wanted to kill you. you are my prized possession to do my bidding for me and without your power, you still can be useful to eliminate my enemies. I can see now where your loyalty lies but before you die a torturous death, I at least owe you an explanation in memory of my loving dead brother."

I stared at him in confusion. What does it has to do with his brother?

"On the night of your birth, I told the pack that your mother gave a birth to a dead pup. They got furious that their Luna was not capable to give birth to a healthy pup and killed your mother, the Luna of the pack. Your father, the Alpha could not take it well. He was blinded with revenge and go after them. I saw it as a chance and betrayed my brother. When he least expected it I killed him as an act to serve the justice. Later I claimed myself the Alpha of the pack. I would have killed you if the witch did not tell me how I can use your power to my own advantage. Don't be so shocked, my dear niece. The royal blood is flowing in your veins but today will be your end."

Jove was saying the truth all along. I did not believe him, I took him here and risked his life. I can already feel the strong energy and strength coursing through my veins. But one wrong move Jove will be dead. I have to protect my mate.

My uncle stood before, my throat was angling towards him presenting my life to the king. He wrapped his hand around my neck in a vice grip, claws started to appear. In the blink of an eye, my uncle was thrown over flipping backwards. No one comprehends what just happened and stare with their open mouth. The General lay motionless beside the pole. The chains had been torn apart and the shackles broken in pieces. Jove started muttering unfamiliar words and the warriors one by one fell down on the ground screaming, making body movements at odd angles.

Rage filled my vision, the man killed my parents and feed me all lies by blood he is my uncle. I swiftly transformed from skin to fur and pranced towards him. He is mine to kill. His eyes gape open reflecting his worst fear. I snarled at him barring him my razor-sharp teeth. I did not give him time to react and attacked him. He was startled. The first drop of blood satisfied my thirst but my wolf needs more of his blood until she drinks every last drop.

I tore apart a chunk of meat from his shoulder revealing raw pink flesh. He recovered quickly aiming for my throat with his sharpened claw. My teeth sank into his throat but I did not tear his flesh, let the pack witness their king is at the mercy in my hands. One wrong move and he will be bleed to death. He didn't make any attempt to oppose. I can easily kill him instead I remained clung to him tasting his blood, feeling him weaken. A painful howl leaves his lips. I pinned him down by his throat and stood on his back showing my dominance. My teeth sank into him deeper with ripping sound I broke the skin out his throat. He is dead.

I turned towards Jove, he was standing in a mess of lifeless bodies littered the ground. He came towards me, I licked his hands and walked forward. He understood my unspoken words and followed me. I stood on the raised platform beside him for everyone to behold their new King and Queen.

The pack members kneel down on the bloodied ground and angled their throat for submission under my rule.

I transformed into my human form. Jove looked at me briefly before he looked away. His eyes remained wide. He took one side step that put him directly in front of me, shielding my naked form from everyone.

He spoke with hesitation "Ahem...I know it's...umm.. quite natural for you being a werewolf but it's really hard for me to accept the fact that ...umm...you are standing here naked in front of the whole pack. No offence but I would like to see you in private behind closed walls."

I chuckled "You are quite sounding like an Alpha. And just because we are Silver Marked mates, it doesn't give you a free pass to have me. You still have to win my heart."

Jove turned to face me, looking into my eyes. He encircled his hands around my waist and pulled me in.

Our bodies met

Our breaths synchronized

Our lips attached

Our souls connected

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