Chapter 1

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Hey! I got some free time tonight after the 14TH August celebrations so I thought that I'll write the 1st chapter. Hope u guys like it!!!

It was a dark in the area  as she walked out towards the corner of the streets with her bag in her hand.

Who was she ???!!
Where was she going ???!!
What was she doing ???!!

She was Kaira, Kaira Oberoi who had never been loved by her parents, but had instead been tortured and called a bad omen. She was running away from this life of hers to live with the person she loved the most.

Who was he ???!!

He was Karan, Karan Veer had loved Kaira back a lot but unfortunately his parents never accepted Kaira because they had the same type of thoughts like Kaira's parents.

Kaira ran to the corner of the street where she saw Karan waiting for her (with his bag in hand) and as soon as she saw him she went and hugged him so tightly that even the smallest bit of air could not pass through them.


Karan quickly let go of her and cupped her face with his hands and asked her for the last time, "R u ready to go ?" "Yes" she replied and Karan grasped his bag in one hand and her hand in the other and quickly started walking towards the train station. Once there they boarded the train to Hrishikesh (they live/lived in Delhi) and quickly found an empty compartment which they could lock at night if needed. Once they found one they quickly put there bags under the seats and sat down next to each other.

Kaira hugged Karan tightly and burst into tears, Karan cupped  her face and using his thumbs wiped away the tears.
Kaira hiccuped as she spoke " I .. I'm sor... sorry that because of  me you have to leave ur parents. "Kaira I love u more than my life and about my parents they are not parents but devils" spoke Karan as he kissed her forehead.

Kaira hugged him and after sometime they both fell asleep in each other's arms.

Have fun reading this chapter and I'm sorry that this chapter is only about 400 words. I will try to make the next chapter longer (about 1000-1500 words) . I have also changed a few characters so you might want to check the character list out again and I soon you will find out who ALI is so till then ...😜.


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