Visions of the Dead

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"The sun..."
Where was the sun?
It was cold and damp here...where...was here?
He was nowhere. He didnt recognize this place. Nothing at all was familiar to him.
" come?" A pain then shot through the nape of his neck. His metal legs then buckling beneath him as he collapsed to the hard,freezing ground.
"I can't move....." His head had been turned to the side,his eyes fixing on an object in the distance,coming closer and closer to him. Rodimus opened his mouth to call out for help,but not a word emerged from it. As the object stood before him,he noticed it was formless. Rodimus he had known the mass..but he couldn't understand why.
As the mass began to take shape so did the barren land before him. Yes. He could recognize it now.
The base on Earth,all those years ago.
He felt the pain again,but it was much worse,he couldn't move,and it hurt.
"You shouldn't have been chosen,you should have died that day, as did I." That can't be.
Rodimus managed to let out a groan,his fingers then moving,gripping the ground. The mass had already taken shape,its eyes glowed a light blue as they gazed upon him.
"Magnus should have been a Prime."
He opened his mouth again,gasping and groaning as he felt the pain reach to his legs and arms.
A dream.
This was all a terrible dream.
"You killed me."
He still struggled to move his body,as well as his head, so he wouldn't have to look at the familiar figure that stood so still before him.
Not again. I can't....
He closed his mouth and then opened it once more,mustering a few words. ".....youre....dead...can't be...stop." The pain then became unbearable for him. He wanted to stop..all of this to end.
But he was stuck.
He couldn't get out.
"Rodimus.." Another voice? This voice was more kinder...and....also..familiar.
The landscape then started to shake,cracking and falling apart,as did the mass. The pain in his body then subsided slowly as did his mobility in his hands and other limbs. Rodimus watched as the mass crumbled before him,lifting up his hand as he spoke to it.

Rodimus' eyes shot wide open,his body feeling a bit numb. Standing beside him were two of his commanders both of them who had which,looked scared and concerned. The bot placed his hand on his arm,looking at them both. "What? What the hell are those faces for?" One who was taller then the other, cleared his throat,looking at his comrade. "You took a nap,I guess and,I came in here to give you a report and-" he couldn't finish his sentence,the clueless Autobot then looked at the other. "Since Magnus is being a nut case,can you tell me what the hell is going on?" The bot,who had the expression of a frightened child, nodded once,his hands beside him. "As Magnus said,you were resting,and he heard you talking in your sleep,he thought it was just something that wasn't so bad,but then-" He paused gazing down at the metallic floor.
Rodimus made a face and growled. "Tell me damnit!" He couldn't stand it when no one,not even his own men,of all things, didnt give it to him straight. Magnus cleared his throat. "As you were talking you started to shake,I'm not sure ,but then you screamed. It was-" he kept his gaze away from him,thinking. "So I called Drift to-"
Drift kept his gaze away too,his hand on his arm. "He called me here to hold you down,and we tried to wake you." Rodimus' face became blank,he didnt remember falling asleep,not even closing one eye for that matter. "What..did I say?" Drift stood silent for a moment and let out a shaky breath. "You said you were sorry,and something about he was dead and it was impossible for him to be alive." Rodimus sat up a bit looking at Drift and then at Magnus,why wouldn't they meet his gaze?
"Is that all I said?"
Magnus made a fist,he was shaking a bit,but not out of fear. He couldn't look at him,no. He didnt want to. After all these years. He still blamed himself for his death. The commander then sighed,turning away from his captain. "You still think that-" he stopped. He couldn't say that. The arrogant fool. Magnus then took a step forward leaving the room in silence.
Rodimus was confused.
What did he say to make Magnus such a stick in the mud? And...what did he make them look so afraid? Drift didnt follow as he still looked at the floor. "But,youre awake now,Rodimus." A small smirk crept across the bots face. "That's all that matters." Rodimus then placed his feet down,releasing a soft groan. "How long was I asleep,exactly? " he rubbed the nape of his neck,for some reason there was a pain. Weird. Like he had been stabbed more then once. Drift chuckled,leaning on a desk,his frightened demeanor had disappeared. Rodimus had never seen him that afraid,and it worried him. "Well,we got back from Crystal City a week ago,and we all stood here and did nothing but train until our servers were in no shape to function,so I'd say, 24 hours?" He rubbed his temple,thinking a bit. "Or was it 36?"
Rodimus' eyes became wide as his mouth became agape. "Holy hell! Why didnt you wake me up before??" He then stood,checking around him just to make sure everything was in order. Drift couldn't help but smile as he saw that his small joke had gotten to the captain. He always overreacted. "I was just pulling at your circuits, Captain. You only slept for 2." Rodimus wasn't amused, it was only funny when he made the jokes. He then looked around his desk for something and scratched his temple,realizing that what he was looking for was in fact nothing at all. Drift raised a brow. "By the way,youre needed on the docking bay. Whirl and the others have something they need to show you." Rodimus wasn't paying attention,as he still continued to look for the nothing in his desk drawer,waving his hand at Drift. "Sure,gotcha,I just need to find this..thing." The samurai could indeed tell that he was just trying to get some time to himself,he let out a soft sigh and shook his head. "Just come down to docking bay,Rodimus." He also waved his hand,turning away and walking out from the office,thinking to himself.
Finally. Rodimus poked up his head and let out a breathe of relief. Sitting down on his chair,holding a piece of metal in his hand,it was old and dented,sure it was a small piece,but it meant something to him. The metal had splotches of dirt on it. Rodimus gently wiped them away,holding it in his hand. It had lost its color,of course,metal does lose its color,after they die. His face became blank then as he gazed at the metal. "Why did I keep you?...after all these years?" Rodimus couldn't take his eyes off of it,his mind wandering away from him.
Why had they been so afraid? Was it something he had said..or done? He didnt know,heck,he even couldn't remember what his nightmare was about. It wasn't common for Autobots to dream,but if it were to happen,there was no controlling them. And..the pain in his neck. What was that all about? "Damn..." He placed the metal on his desk in front of him,for some reason,his spark was aching. Aching? He hadn't felt that way since-
No. No time to think about that now. It happened years ago. Everyone from back then was gone. Except for Magnus,and him. Rodimus lifted his hand up slowly, scanning it from the tips of his fingers to his wrist. "...maybe." He started to move his fingers a bit,and then curled them into a fist standing again. "Nah,maybe its just me." Rodimus left the sentimental item on his desk as he turned his back to it. Walking out of the small dark room.

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