To Blame

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Ultra Magnus sighed softly, sitting beside Drift, ignoring the fact that his head had rested on his shoulder. It had been at least 2 days since they had taken Rodimus to the med-bay. Ratchet wasn't telling them anything, how he was. If he woke up yet or not. This was all aggravating to him. He wanted answers. And he wanted them now.
Standing up slowly he placed his hand on Drift's head, leaning it back onto the wall. Drift had been the most upset, he had been crying and yelling. It wasn't like him. Drift was , well, the third calmest bot on the ship. It got even worse when he couldn't wake Rodimus, shaking him didn't seem to help either.
Magnus placed a gentle palm on his cheek. "I'll be back. Just don't wake up yet. " Turning away from the sleeping bot he then made his way out of the bay and down a dim lit hallway. He wanted, no, needed to be alone. If only they'd let him near Rodimus, just to see if he was in any bad shape. Walking over to one of the many ships windows he placed his hand on the cold glass, looking at all of the stars that spread out for miles, snarling to himself. "Damnit, Rodimus. Why didn't you tell me you were in so much pain? " Magnus looked away from the stars, his body beginning to shake. "You said.. . You could tell me anything.. Why not this? "

Cybertron 200 years ago

"That doesn't go there! " Perceptor shouted at a small yellow bot, waving his hands like a mad man. " The conveyor and the apex don't fit, use the pera flux chip instead. " He nudged the bot out of the way, mumbling to himself. Bumblebee moved away from Percy and sighed, rubbing his neck. "Be calm, Percy, I don't exactly know how to work this. " The bot made a face while Perceptor fixed the mess that Bumblebee had made, talking underneath his breath still, about how he does everything himself and no one was any help. Bumblebee looked on, scratching at his temple as he watched with a curious eye. He knew how to work the ship and other things, but when it came to running the cables he wasn't much of a whiz than Perceptor was.
"Hey, BB! " Looking away from the small grumbling Autobot, Bumblebee smiled setting his gaze upon a semi tall bot, his alt mode was orange and yellow, flames curving up his chest, he looked a bit run down, but in good shape. "Hey, Hot R- whoops, I mean, Rodimus Prime." He chuckled at his mistake not sure if he offened his Captain or not. Brushing off the issue, Rodimus placed his hand on his companions shoulder. "It's alright, I just wanted to ask if things were going well between you and Perceptor." Bumblebee's smile faded into a grimace placing his palm on the side of his cheek. "Well let's just say that he's in a bad mood. Apparently he didn't need my help. " Hearing his remark, Perceptor scoffed continuing to fix the cables with a rough but steady hand. Rodimus chuckled, patting Bumblebees shoulder. These two may be in the same complex caliber but they had their differences. "Speaking of hard-headed, have you seen Magnus? I wanted to speak to him about something. " The mini bot thought, looking at the floor while he kept a focused look on his face. He then shook his head as he lifted up his hands. "No not since the other day. He said he'd be in his bunker. Fixing a few things. Other than that no one has seen him. " Rodimus let out a soft sigh patting his comrades shoulder. "Thank you, BB. Keep up the good work you two. " He smiled then and turned to walk away, ignoring the blunt and rude comment made by Percy as Bumblebee lost his focus again.
Once he was out of sight, Rodimus began to shake profusely. The other night with Magnus was a mistake, what he had said to him. It must've been the drinks. Yea, it had to be that.
"Just please don't hate me.. " He whispered, gripping his arm as he continued to walk down the long dark hallway. Alone.

Med-Bay(Present Day)

"Don't tell me to calm down! I swear to Primus I will kick your aft, FirstAid!! " Drift hissed, as a few bots held him trying to avoid either being bit or elbowed in the jaw. He had woken up and there was no sign of Magnus. Sure he passed out, but he wanted answers. His best friend was unconscious, he wanted to know why. FirstAid held his hands in front of himself, not sure if that'd do any good, considering Drift is one of the strongest bots on the ship. So if he had anyway of protecting himself, it was his hands. "Please, Drift, be reasonable! I can't let you in! Ratchet told me not to. " Ratchet was still trying to figure out what in the hell was going on. There were some vitals that had almost burnt up, due to Rodimus' body overheating, but he couldn't tell him that. If he did he'd go crazy. The samurai continued to fight the 8 foot guards back, his face pulled up into a grimace showing his profound and sharp canines. He wouldn't hesitate to tear someone limb from limb. "Shut up! Just let me see him!"
Drift couldn't get his screams out of his head. At the time he didn't know what to do, what to say even. Rodimus had continued to scream, hunched over and gripping his neck. Ultra Magnus even looked terrified. It was the first anyone had seen the towering hunk of metal become filled with fear. He was desperate and would move mountains for Rodimus. "Let me see him. " FirstAid felt sympathy for Drift, he had been aboard this ship since the beginning so he knew how much he cared for The Captain, but he couldn't defile Ratchet's orders. "Please, just wait here and I'll see what I can do." the small Autobot had walked back into the MediBay he was relieved that he didn't get hurt back there. Falling to his knees, Drift placed his palms on the ground, the guards saw that he was no longer a threat, leaving him alone; still standing beside him to make sure that he wouldn't force his way through those doors. "How could this happen.. . Rodimus.. . "

10 Years Ago, Cybertron

Luna 1 and 2, seemed to hover above Cybertron, sure that's what they did, hover. Rodimus chuckled to himself looking at them. He never got tired of seeing them and the stars. Be even better to be a Titan, it'd be just as easy to hold them in my hands.
"Star gazing again, Rodimus? " He didn't seem surprised by the soft and calm voice. If he were in a dark cave, and heard that voice, he knew exactly who it was.
Lifting up a glass to his face, he let out a small laugh; eyeing the iridescent liquid. "Seems like you didn't hesitate to come and talk to me, am I that appealing? " Rodimus teased. Ultra Magnus sighed but gave the bot a soft smile. "Well how could I? You're the only one who can make a harsh insult seem like a compliment. " He too looked at the liquid, that had been his sixth glass. A cocktail of energon and a few other things was sure to make you tipsy, but he didn't seem to mind leaning back as he let his metal physique bend to the buildings will.
"Ha, just don't come crying to me if I hurt your soft ego. " Rodimus seemed lost in thought looking back at the sky. It had been years since they had left Cybertron and all of it was just breath taking. The two sat in silence for awhile; taking in the sounds of metal, clanking and scraping one another. Bots and other travelers conversing, taking in the soft sound of music as it vibrated through the slums. Magnus smiled, his Homeworld was finally at peace, broken and torn but it had been the brightest it had ever been after so long. This was how Cybertron was meant to be.
Rodimus was watching the dancers seeing them smile reminded him of a more simpler time. Before he was a Prime, before the war. His gaze moved from them and onto Magnus.
"Dance with me. "
Magnus seemed to become flustered, turning to look at his Captain. "D-dance? " Rodimus smirked at his reaction, showing his teeth just a bit then his tongue as he stood to his feet. "You seem shocked, haven't we danced before? " He casually placed his hand on his hip. The huge bot felt his face burn up again. "Y-yes, but not together. " He too then stood, looking down at him. Ultra Magnus couldn't stop himself from thinking how small he was. Rodimus didn't seem to mind moving his hips to the music. "That's an order, Ultra Magnus~" Magnus made a face, holding out his hand; next time he'd have to control the energon intake of his captain. Rodimus took his hand, taking a step forward. "See, I knew you'd listen to your glorious Prime~" Here we go. Now he was getting to full of himself. "Just put your other hand here. " Magnus took his free hand; placing it on his shoulder while putting his own on his hip. "Now if we just go-" The bot froze, feeling a bit nervous about making the first move, if only he had thought this through. Rodimus sighed as he puffed up his cheeks. "Gee, do you have to calculate everything we do~? " He teased; taking a step forward so their bodies were touching. By Primus! He was doing it again! Rodimus was always so coy with his right hand man, knowing his in and outs; weaknesses if you will. Magnus gave him a soft smile thinking he should let loose this time. "Who said anything about calculating? " He kept steady; a feeling in his spark arose as he noticed their alt modes touching. This was it. The moment of truth. Magnus then started to sway, moving along side the floor, surprising Rodimus on how delicate Ultra Magnus was being. He didn't want his Captain to fall: especially from this high. The two began to dance to the sound below taking in the stars and night sky. Years ago they wouldn't have even bothered with one another; hard glances and distasteful gestures. But now, their glances had become more soft, gestures as kind as any. Rodimus could make Magnus laugh any chance he got even though the jokes were very much inappropriate.

Do it. Say something.
He cared for his Captain, way more than any other did. And Rodimus cared for him as well.
Come on Mags.
Their hands began to touch, the dancing stopped instantly.
Don't be such a coward.
Scopes meeting one another as their smiles disappeared. Rodimus seemed to pause. "You okay, Mags~?"
When will you stop being such a cute idiot?
Magnus let out a breath, he felt so nervous, yet, he knew that he could tell Rodimus anything. "No, it's not that, I'm okay. " He chuckled. He didn't seem to take notice of the way he held his hand, playing with his fingers. Not okay. I'm not okay. I'm so useless. A small smirk came across the bots face; slowly lifting himself up on his tiptoes so his face would be close to his.
Without question, Rodimus pecked Magnus' lips, holding tightly onto his hands. Magnus felt his face burn up; surprised that he had took any action before him. It wasn't fair. The tall bot then smiled leaning in close. "Don't be such a tease. "
It may not be a full kiss. But it was enough. Just to know that he's okay.
Next time, he'd have to watch Rodimus closely when it came to drinking. And most of all being a huge flirt.

Part 2 End
To be continued in

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2022 ⏰

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