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 Lauren glanced over at Camila as she pulled into the doctors' section of the ER parking lot. Camila, silent for the entire ride, sat with her head back and her eyes closed. Carefully, Lauren brought the car to a stop and shut off the engine. She turned in her seat and rested her fingers on Camila's leg.  

 "How are you doing?"

Camila slowly rolled her head to the side and opened her eyes. "Not too bad. It throbs, but I can handle that. My stomach is in a bit of an uproar, though."

Lauren nodded sympathetically. "I can imagine. We'll get you some Compazine once we get inside."

"Will you do me a favor?"

"Of course," Lauren replied, her brows furrowing. "What is it?"

Camila sighed. "Will you try to make sure that no one sees my records or my films?"

"I'll see to it," Laurensaid kindly. She appreciated how difficult it was for a medical person to be treated at the institution where they worked. Curiosity was a normal human trait, and everyone wanted the details whenever someone who worked in the hospital was ill or injured. She rubbed Camila's thigh gently. "Let's get you taken care of. I'll come around and help you get out."

"I think I can—"

"Camila, sit still," Lauren instructed sharply when the brunette doctor reached for the door handle.

"No choice," Camia gasped, feeling weaker than she had anticipated, her stomach roiling as the pain unexpectedly escalated and shot through her chest.

A moment later, Lauren opened the car door, released Camila's seat belt, and bent down to slide her arm behind Camila's back. "Put your good arm around my shoulder."

"I'm heavier than I look," Camila warned, as Lauren lifted.

"I'm stronger than I look. Now lean on me."

Camila got her legs under her and pushed upright, gripping Lauren's shoulder tightly with her functioning hand. She swayed unsteadily. "Jesus, my legs aren't working quite right."

"Any weakness or paresthesias?" Lauren questioned, a slight edge of panic in her voice. Oh my God, don't tell me I missed a cord injury! I should have called the EMTs. I should have used a backboar—

"No, nothing like that," Camila said firmly. Sensing what worried Lauren, she rubbed her hand comfortingly over the other's arm. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you. My legs just feel a little rubbery."

"You're sure? Because I can get a wheelchair out here in just a second."

"I'm sure. It's just my shoulder, Jauregui. I'm certain of it."

"Let's just get inside so I can be certain of it, too."

As soon as they were through the emergency room doors, Lauren grabbed one of the wheelchairs lined up inside and pulled it toward them. "Here, sit down and I'll take you right into one of the examining rooms. Do you happen to have your insurance card?"

Camila shook her head. "Not the new one from PMC. I didn't get that yet. I can give you my New York insurance information, though"

"Fine. I want to get you squared away first. We can give all that info to the clerk later."

"You're the boss."

As they spoke, Honor guided the chair efficiently through the hallways, maneuvering around equipment and stretchers, and nodded to the charge nurse who looked up in surprise as they passed the nurses' station. In response to the inquisitive glance, Lauren said, "Page the x-ray technician for me, will you, Halsey?"

"Okay, Dr. Jauregui," the nurse called after them. "You need me for anything else?"

"I'll let you know. Thanks."

Lauren pulled the curtain aside, slid the chair into the cubicle, set the small hand brake, and walked around to the front to help Camila stand. She reached down at the same time as Camila pushed up, and they ended up nearly touching. As if it were the most natural thing in the world to do, Lauren threaded her arms around Camila's waist and moved closer. At the same time, Camila's right arm went around Lauren's shoulders, and the green eyed doctor felt the brunette's fingers brush through the hair at the base of her neck. Camila's breasts nestled against hers, and their bodies melted effortlessly together.

They were almost the same height, and Lauren's body fit flawlessly against Camila's. In the brief second before she had time to react, before her rational mind could protest, she had the sensation of perfect rightness, as if being in Camila Cabello's arms was destined. She felt Camila's heart beat, then her own, and then the two together, point and counterpoint, in perfect harmony. You feel so good. So right. How can that be?  

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