Chapter 3: X-is/Jaz the sixth soul

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Your P.O.V

My eyes slammed closed bracing for the pain, as I hear a scream that wasn't my own. My eyes flutter open to see the mysterious lady collapsed on the floor clutching her shoulder that was dripping with blood. Toriels face twisted into a grin " So you came back to save Vense my little X-is... To think you dare set foot back here after running away." She yelled preparing to bring the chains down on her again. X-is stood up " Is this how a mother should act !! " SHe yelled back as Toriels face twisted in pain she brought down the chains once more . " Toriel let us go... We will come back to visit you, I promise . " Toriel looked confused, and hurt why...

She whipped the look from her face " You were only little X-is about four human years when you ran away, how do you even remember me ? " She asked I turned to the crumpled up X-is who rose her head " because you left me painfully with these scars. " She said holding up her arm. It carried large white indented scars underneath
its thick purple sleeve. She gasped bowing her head and sobbing to the floor " I did all of this too you, and yet I never meant to... I am sorry I shall set you free . " X-is dipped her head and called to me, " Come on , " I reach a hand out to Toriel as X-is opens the exit " Now ! " She yells my hand flinches away as I obey walking off after X-is .

X-is / Jaz P.O.V

FUCK ! I hiss as I notice my hp bar after the chains hit my shoulder.

Jaz 14/26 hp remaining.

I look at Toriel as she yelled something I could not hear when I snapped " IS THIS HOW I MOTHER SHOULD ACT ! " I shouted before the chains were brought down on me once more... " Toriel " A weak breath comes from my mouth .

Jaz 2/26 hp remaining

" We will come back to visit you I promise . " I finished kneeling weakly on the floor my blood dripping down my arm, and face. She then went on grieving about how I shouldn't remember her. I hold up my arm pulling up my thick hoodies purple sleeve to reveal my scars. " Because you left me with these painful scars. " I hissed looking down on her as she bowed down sparing us... I dipped my head casting my hateful glance to the exit. Making my way to the door I open it, turning back to see the female human heading towards Toriel. " Come on . " I snap accidently with pain as she strides up to me, and together we leave this place. We travel through a long room then out into snowdins cold air.

" Where are we going? " Asked the new human, as we walked. " TO my brothers place, they'll understand. " I felt weak as the human moved closer to me for warmth, my hp was still at 2 . I pull off my purple sweater revealing a green t-shirt . I was now heavily bleeding in the snow. When I collapse into the snow near Papy's sentry station.

Your P.o.v

X-is slowed after handing me the sweater. Her wounds now exposed openly, she collapsed to the ground... My heart quickened as I screamed " HELP ! " While adistant figure approached.

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