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Colleen's POV
I woke up to my Beautiful baby girl crying in the crib at the side of my bed
I got up to feed her and change her diaper. I take a minute to just admire what me and my boyfriend have created a little bit of a month ago. Yes I know that its wrong for pre-marrigal intercourse but we were both married before. I'm not sure that I want to stay together with him for that long.. We fight every night, yes I want Mae to have a father; but I want her to have a great and caring father.

Bryan's POV

Today is the day I purpose to Colleen. I know we haven't been together for that long and we fight but its almost two years we've been together! We also have a beautiful baby girl together. I love her so much I need her in my life even more then she already is.

--Time skip to later that night--

Still Bryan's POV

We are out for dinner at this fancy restaurant. I have Rachel in a different booth filming the whole thing. Its going to be perfect.

The waiter comes and sets down a cupcake for Colleen.

She bites into it with a shocked face and everyone started watching.

Colleen's POV

I bite into a cupcake Bryan got for me and I feel something hard against my teeth. I take whatever that was and it was a ring. Bryan's ring. I look down at him and he's bent down on one knee, "Colleen. since I met you two years ago today at this bar I knew that I would want to marry you. So here we are with our gorgeous daughter that we made together. So Colleen Mae Ballinger would you do the absolute honour and marrying me?" Everyone is in awe. I put the ring on the table, "I'm sorry no. No Bryan I cant marry you." I say grabbing my purse and heading out the door to my car. I sit in the passenger seat and cry. I grab my phone and call Rachel. She answers almost immediately,

R: Rachel


C: Rachel?!?!?

R: That's me, anyways what is it?

C: I'll explain it later, could you come over asap??

R: Of course!!

C: Thanks. I really need you.

R: Anytime sis. I'll be over in 5 minutes flat. Love you

C: Love you too.

I ended the call and started up the engine.

Bryan's POV

She said no, I started crying in my hands. I threw the bills on the table and ran out of the restaurant and run to my brother's apartment.
Sorry I haven't updated in a while guys! Since I started school I wouldn't be able to go on wattpad or anything. Hopefully I will update sooner or later. Byeeee

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