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AN:Something happened on Wattpad where it deleted the rest of my chapter,which I'm highly pissed about 😬😡, so I'm just gonna do it over AGAIN.....for y'all because I love y'all ,even if you don't comment or vote I still love you ,even if all you do is just read.

Jaylani's POV.

"So that's the only condition that you have sugah" he said

I don't know what came over me but as soon as he called me "sugah" just the way it sounded coming from his mouth ,I immediately got chills all over me.

"Yea it is...." I said

I looked at with my head tilted,I was trying to see if I could read him

"Ralph, where are you from ?" I asked

he smiled at me ,almost making me paralyzed that I almost dropped my drink

"I'm from Boston ,born and raised " he winked

After me and Ralph left Starbucks we went to His house ,which I was pretty excited about I'm not gonna lie ,but to be completely honest I don't really feel comfortable about going to his house ,his wife could pop up at anytime ,but we both agreed to take this a little slow, so that's what were going to do ,were just going to try to get to know each other a little more, on friendly terms aside from what we are agreeing to do.

As we were driving to his house I got on my phone and texted Mommy that I was going to be spending the night at a friends for a project even though I'm a grown women whose 22 , and yes I still live with my mother and my siblings and that's because I don't wanna live in a dorm and that is 100% my choice for many reasons, I looked up from my phone and was at awe with all the big Mansions

"Where are we ?!?" I asked

as I stared wide eyed at the houses Ralph looked over and laughed a little

"My neighbahood " he said

As he looked back at the to the road WHAT?!? ... his neighborhood , oh my sweet baby Jesus ,if this is just his neighborhood then I could only imagine what his house looked like.

We pulled up to his house and I was shook once again by this man ,as I was gazing I was cut off by a throat being cleared ,

"Ya know that you could just take a picturah ,it'll last longer " he smirked

I blushed embarrassed

" Fuck you " I said

I laughed a little as I got out his car ,I followed him to his front door as he opened it ,I stepped through the door, following him to his living room, I looked around admiring the scenery of big paintings ,mirrors

"Make yourself at home " Ralph said

I walked towards his fireplace looking baby pictures of him which I of course smiled at, as my eyes moved along, they lingered on one in particular which was a picture of him with his arms around a very light skinned woman, who looked Spanish ,they both had smiles on they're faces which I'm guessing is his wife .

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