part 15

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Tiffany wake up,  we here.  Where She live at?!

Just let me drive, She looked at me.  I slid into the passenger seat while She slid over. 

She headed down the road passing Walmart and McDonald's.  We almost here , she said turning into a neighborhood.  So this where she stays.  Tiffany pulled into the driveway I hopped out the car and ran to door. 

Who is it?

Tiffany, She yelled as walked up behind me.

Girl what you doing here?   And who is he.   

We came to get erica auntie and this her boyfriend tevon.

Come in,  she in her room. But she's messed up really bad.

Tevon ran to the back of the house and saw Erica laying down.

Who did this to you? He yelled. Scaring erica.

  Baby!  she screamed and jumped in my arms.  I missed you so much, she stared crying.  I missed you too,  kissing her forehead.

Who did this to you erica?

My,  my ex micheal she studdered. I sat Erica down. Finish packing your stuff , I'll be back.  No,  tevon wait. She grabbed my hand. I pulled her close and kissed her.  She let out a moan. I slid my hand in her pants. Gently fingering her.  She started biting on my  lip. I picked her up and laid her on the bed.

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