chapter one

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Lucy's POV

I sat down at a starbucks table. i grabbed my laptop out of my bag and went through my feed, hoping i wouldn't break down.

once again, nothing but bad comments.

only two nice ones.

why don't i just quit?

no one would miss me. no. i won't. i love youtube. also, it's the only way i get money.

a boy came in, green eyes, blond/brown hair.


fuck, there are no empty seats except for the one across me. what if he likes me?! what the hell did i just say?? i'm an ugly, worthless slut! c'mon Lucy get it together.

Joey's POV

I walked into Starbucks and noticed a girl staring at me. long, wavy brown hair, pretty blue eyes and a red beanie. wow she is beautiful. Joey, what are you saying? you have a girlfriend. Meghan. I got my drink, and noticed the only seat left was the one across from her.

Lucy's POV

he started walking towards the seat. oh fuck.

"hello!" he greeted.

i just sat there for a second, then ran out the door.


Hello! how are you all? i'm Liz and this is my Joey Graceffa fanfiction! this is gonna be an awful story cause i suck at writing lol. sorry about that, but i'll try. :)

i'll try to update every second day. my schedule changes a lot. xx

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