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contacting everyone important to you.
After hearing the alert from the news to take shelter I get up and use the house line to call my brother who's spending the night with my best friend. Then my parents. Also my three best friends I will call.
My grandparents all passed away all ready and my cousins live to far away. So I called Carter.
"Carter are you and Owen at your house?" I ask.
"No were packing up and getting in the car to drive to your house. We heard the news and we know the drill, Addison don't worry we will be there soon." Carter says. I believe Carter because he just turned 17.
"Ok see you guys soon." I say.
"Bye Addison." I hear Owen say.
Then I hang up the phone. Now I need to call my parents. So I dial their number. After waiting for a long time no one picked up.
"Oh no!" I say. I think I know what happened. Then I hear my doorbell ring. I go over to the door and I look through the window. It's Carter and Owen. So I open the door.
"Guys we need to go to Owen and my parents house." I say.
"Why?" Carter questions.
"What's wrong?" Asks Owen.
"I think the zombies may have gotten to them." I say worrying.
"Ok let's grab your food, guns, ammo and stuff." Carter says.
"Ok." I say as we split up to get stuff.
As Owen opens the pantry he says " Addison you have food for months in here!"
"Ya I've been keeping it stocked up in case of a zombie apocalypse." I say.
"You two keep packing up." Carter says.
"Ok." Me and Owen say.
I go outside to grab some weapons I made and grab a lot of gasoline. While I'm doing that Carter is grabbing guns, ammo, armor, and some of my clothes. As we finish up getting everything, we head outside to see what we got.
Owen got about 24 bottles of water and about 56 cans of food. Carter got all 24 of my guns and a but load of ammo. He also got 5 sets of bullet proof armor. I grabbed my hand made bombs, my sword, a lot of gasoline, my arrows and my hand made cross bow.
Then I realized something of mine was missing.
"Guys where is my bow and arrows?" I ask.
"They're in the back of the pickup truck. I put them there when I saw them." Carter says.
"Can we drive the pick up truck?" Owen asks.
"Sure." I say. We walk over to the pickup truck and start loading our stuff up in it. Carter and Owen move there stuff into my truck. While they're doing that I grab my bow and my arrows. I put the arrows into my bag and I sling the bag across my body. I also grab my dagger.
"Is that all?" I ask.
"Yep." Owen says.
"Ok guys pick out your weapons." I say.
Owen chooses a assault rifle and a switchblade knife. Carter chooses a 29 rapid-fire gun I made and a Machete knife.
"Carter can you drive to moms and dads house?" I ask.
"Sure, you and Owen sit in the trunk and arrange the stuff." Carter says.
"Alright." I say. Me and Owen organize everything. After we were done with everything I put the machine gun on top of the roof of the pick up truck. We arrive at moms and dads house....

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