Concert night

18 1 0

Hi im kirstiann raven ewana sky and im a gril. I hav long red tintid hare that I sumtims put in a plat cos it goes to mi waste. I hav bloo eys that sparkell in the sunlite and verry pail skin as I am secretly a vamprire. At nite my eys tern red and my skin sparkells in the mewnligt. Im verry thin but I hav a big boobs and bum an a lot of peeple tel me I look lik a cros between kylie and kendal jener (kylies bodddy and kendals face). I am obowt to go to a union jay concert as they r ny favorite band ever and they r all so hot. Jaymi is y favrite and he is so secksy and even f he is gey I wil one day mary him (as I am aslo a which and I did a magik spel that wil mak him fal in love with me). And I am 18 yeers old so it is leegel. I am wereing a low kut top that reveels my huge bobbys an shorts that show my but. I lookd in the miror and sor how secksy I lookd. I new jaymi wud fal in luv with me strate (haha geddit startae ahahahahahaha) away an dupm is styupid boyfrend or husbind or whotever. Arownd my nek wa a rose qwortz necliss becos it helps with luv and maks ppl fal for u qwicker (I know this as I am a wich and I got A stars in all my wich ecksama so im a eckspurt). Neway I set of in my eckspesnice car that wos parkt out side my gigantcik mantion (I forgot 2 menshun im ritch as I can macgick up munny) and pikt up my frend. She is caled clowy. I m a lot prettyer then her and she knws this as she is ginger and dossent have a nise boddy like me. She is funy tho so she getz almost as much boyfrends as me. We arived at the yooneon jay concept and were let in strate awey as we r very iportnat and lots of pepel no who wr r. we dansed to me musek and inaly the conshert was over. We wnet bacstake becos we r improtan enouff to do tht and saw jaymi!!!11! He luked so secksy!!1! Clowy sat down ans tolked to smee other peepl bcos she new I wood get al the atenshun from the boys. I warked secksily over to jaymi. He gasped as he sore me and I knew he was in luv. He came over 2 me an sed "ur so secksy I wil b strate 4 u" and we frenched as evryone claped. Tteh hes husbing cae in so I bited him to deth as I am a varmprore and hav sharp teath. Then jaymi puled me upsters where there was a seecrer hyoog bedroom with a enormous bead. Jaymi puled y secksy outfit of revealing my lace thonk and brar. I puld his sherbet of and revelled his secksy niples. He remmoovd my bra an tongs so I puld his underwere down after I roovd his trowells. Then he put his thingy in my hole and we did secks. After we did secks we frecnhed secksily and fel aslep. The nex dey al my frend wer jelouse ov me bcoz I had secks wiv jaymi. I got his number then went bak to my manshed. After a wile we got maryd and had secks wich made babys and we livd happy ever after. I luv jaymi lololololol

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