Chapter 2- An Unexpected Welcome

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Hanzo had traveled for weeks, he traveled to different countries, gathering information about the recall along the way. He had to be stealthy, it had to be secret. He did not want anyone to find out that Overwatch had been reforming the first place, he respected that. From what Hanzo had found, It had been only a couple months ago when Winston did the recall, and about a month before the recall had he seen his brother. He only hoped there would still be enough time to locate and reach out to Genji and Overwatch, if Genji returned. He finally gathered details of where every member was instructed to meet. He had heard of the name before, Watchpoint Gibraltar.

A few days had passed, it did not take long for Hanzo to reach the watchpoint. He led a small boat cross the Mediterranean just before the sun had set. The sea was getting fiercer and the winds angrier with chill as the day ended. It was also a rather convenient end of the day, for the suns rays peaked just a bit where he could spot the shore. Hanzo had finally made it. He climbed up towards a small tower with his bare bands and feet and clasped along the wall.

"Today is the day that I join Overwatch, and more importantly to regain my honor."

Hanzo reassured himself, scanning his eyes across the base while gripped tightly to a wall. He leaped down with strength, his strong legs capturing his landing. Bow in hand, he swung around the corner, looking and hoping for anyone he could engage with for help.

He quickly found a small team of guards, a man and a woman wearing an all navy blue and white padded gear. they spotted him at an instant, one them caught off guard and startled.

"Who- Who are you," A male guard called out. Fear escaping his lips.

"What is your name?" a female guard spat keeping a more professional reaction.

"My name Hanzo, I-."

As he was about to continue and explain his identity, the female guard's eyes widened and shot out with excitement. "Genji's brother? Hanzo Shimada?"

"Correct," Hanzo replied.

Hanzo's eyes locked on the woman, eyebrows always angrily gazing. He tilted his head down with confusion. He was unsure why this would be a pleasant surprise to anyone here. What if their lives were in danger, Hanzo was confused that he was not seen as a threat. He assumed Genji had warned them in a positive manner. The female guard turned her head to the other male guard and back to Hanzo. She took a moment then carefully spoke,

"Your brother has been awaiting you, Hanzo. Please come with us." She excitedly stated, then smiled and waited for his response.

"Very well," Hanzo replied softly.

Hanzo was quite too nervous, but relieved he wasn't seen as a murderer. His stomach was in knots and he felt his body growing warmer. Was Genji awaiting him, knowing he would eventually come to his senses and finally join Overwatch? Hanzo had always honored and respected his brother, he noticed his elevated state of mind when seeing him recently. Genji expecting him to join was only more impressive to Hanzo. His brother had grown wiser and accepting and forgiving. Hanzo had always took everything into all seriousness and each decision made was made by his own standards. Clearly not every decision he has made turned out for the best. Hanzo had much to learn with his stubborn and closed mindset. He noticed his attention was going against him and he forced his negative thoughts to disappear. They immediately turned into a new thought; were they taking him for prosecution or would he be welcomed to the team. If we was captured, what would that solve for them. Either way he could escape on his own, he is a master of stealth and distraction, being locked away was one of the least of his concerns. Had he not deserved shame and solitude. No, it was a new beginning. Hanzo was way too eager to find out, and he hastily continued to follow gripping tightly to his bow, huffing at his never ending thoughts.

He followed the guards into a large room, he gazed around the room in awe. It looked like a work area for repairs for aircraft. He was amazed to see Overwatch's machinery look rather new, recently polished, still intact, and ready for battle. They walked passed two men working on what seems to be a handheld rocket of some sort. One of the men was large, burley and had a fitting sense of greyness and age to him. He looked like an accomplished man who has been through it all noticing by a few scarring near his eye and across his arms. The other man, much shorter and also missing an eye along with his left arm. He seemed to be the lead mechanic. They both turned to Hanzo and the two guards.

"Why hello there, Beth, Jayce." The older man called out, addressing the guards names.

"And who is this fellow?", he asked smiling hinting towards Hanzo.

It was quiet for a moment before Hanzo could answer. Then he took a step forward. "I am Hanzo, you have probably met my brother, Genji."

"Ah yes, we very much appreciate you coming here. I am Reinhardt Wilhelm and this is-"

"Torbjorn Lindholm," the other shorter man interrupted in a dull tone. He swiveled back to his desk and continued working.

Reinhardt continued, "Yes. So are you planning on joining the new and reformed Overwatch?" he asked, ending with a rivalrous laugh.

"Yes," He paused.

"That is my plan, just as I assume I have been expected to." Hanzo stated. He had much seriousness in his tone and his facial expression.

"Ah but I am sure you came to talk to your brother first, I will have the pleasure in personally taking you to him." hidden

"Thank you." Replied Hanzo.

Reinhardt smiled and placed down the blueprints he was holding. Torbjorn snagged them from the table and began to read them shortly after. "Right this way." Insisted Reinhardt. He followed.

Hanzo was taken to a much smaller hallway, with rooms running down endlessly, which seemed to be bunkers for agents. Hanzo and Reinhardt continued walking. His steps were long and strong, he could feel the floor slightly shaking. He was quite a massive, muscular man for his age.

"Your brother should be back by now." stated Reinhardt.

"Hmm... Back from what exactly?" Hanzo questioned.

"Supporters of the Omics have been driving back our imports. We have agents sail all we need from the shores, yet recently few of our ships have been returning. We are also trying to keep Overwatch a secret as much as we can."

They stopped at the door.

"Your brother is leading the mission, this one specifically. It is only minor." Reinhardt continued.

Hanzo knocked. There was no answer from the door.

"Hmm...Maybe he hasn't come back just yet. If you need anything I will take you to the cafeteria to wait for him." Reinhardt offered.

"That would be nice." Hanzo stated tiredly.

As they walked Hanzo continued the conversation. "So what has my brother been doing while stationed here?"

"Genji is leading missions, so are other agents such as myself. For now we are working together to gather old and new members to Overwatch. We are unorganized at the moment since the recent reformation, few have rankings." Reinhardt answered.

"I see." Hanzo concluded. They continued quietly down the hall, voices echoing in the distance

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