Chapter 3- Mystery Man

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Traveling for a long time put Hanzo through an exhausting state, he was on high alert from the moment he left his homeland, to traveling here. Being hunted down by his former clan members put Hanzo on edge. He was happy to finally have someone to fight along side, ally's that would protect him. He felt honored to be here.

Reinhardt had guided him towards a more luxurious and comfortable room. It was much less industrial looking than the rest of the base. The lights were dimmed and the room was filled with new faces he had not yet seen before. Conversations flowing and laughter filled the room.

"This is the cafeteria?" Hanzo asked, impressed.

Most of the room was fully furnished, with carpet, couches, a minibar and a dining area. "Haha yes, we all need a place to feel more at home. Now don't be shy, introduce yourself to your team mates. I must get back to work, goodluck archer." Hanzo replied with a head tilt as Reinhardt left the room.

Hanzo went straight to the bar. He sat and waited for someone to assist him. He was not hungry, nothing could sate the anxious feeling that stirred within him. Ever since reaching the base had he felt nervous, the thought of seeing his brother and hoping if he would accept him back or not made him very uneasy. The knot in his stomach only grew, and he needed something to numb the pain. Hopefully, it would make it easier on him when his brother returned from the mission and they finally talked. Hanzo, having a constant serious expression on his face, was startled for a moment, and that expression interrupted to a shock for a moment. The bartender appeared out of nowhere. Hanzo looked up to the bartender, it was a bot. It seemed very strange how it suddenly popped out from behind the counter. He sighed, face relaxed as usual, and ordered vodka. He felt it would help more than his classic typical choice of sake. The bot came back hastily and sat down a small glass on the wooden counter.

He grabbed the shot glass and held it up. "Could I get this in a bigger glass please," He scoffed sarcastically. The robot replied with a simple, "yes," and hovered away.

As Hanzo waited patiently, he sensed someone approaching from behind him. Without turning his head, he glanced with his eyes. Soon the man met his glance, at the corner of his eye he noticed It was a man slightly taller than him, with a metal arm, a hat and had some sort of cowboy theme going on. Hanzo casually noticed him and said nothing as the man sat down next to him. It was silent for a moment until his glass arrived, much larger this time, which caught the cowboy's attention. Before he could say a word, Hanzo drank the hard liquor and tilted his glass up high. The liquid feel as dry and stinging as his palms felt. 

The cowboy suddenly spoke up raising an eyebrow in concern, "Woah there, you better slow down. Im usually known to the one drinkin' that much 'round here." 

His southern accent was intriguing and warming to Hanzo. The cowboy noticed the bow attatched to Hanzos back. He was impressed aswell. "Wouldn't want to challenge me to a drinking contest. Hmp."

 It was quiet for a moment, so he continued in attempt to save the silence. "No sir you'd lose in an instant, bow man." The cowboy added charmingly. 

Hanzo said nothing as the cowboy continued on. "Anything for you sir?" The robot asked politely to the cowboy. 

"I'll have have a whisky. Leave the ice out for me will ya. Thank you kindly." 

The robot silently obeyed. "So bow man, do you have a name?" Mccree said with a smirk. 

"Hanzo." He said quietly still. 

"Well hey there, Welllcome to the team Han-zo, names Mccree, Jesse Mccree." he stated enthusiastically.

"Hello." Hanzo said abruptly, dampening the positive mood. 

Mccree was smooth as he was charming, his beard scruffy and unorganized around his defined, handsome facial features. His hair a warm brown medium length, strands covering parts of his face. His cheekbones were so high that his eyes were squinting as if looking constantly focused or amused. Hanzo could not deny that he was a good looking man. He studied his personality well, he seemed like persuasive man that seemed to get his way most of the time. He liked that in a person. He snapped out of the thought. His trust and friendship wouldn't be won over that easy by someone he had just met. Hanzo was very closed off, and distant to many. Letting people in and getting close was one of his ultimate self struggles.

Soon the room became more crowded and they both noticed. "Back from the mission so soon, must have been pretty successful." Mccree stated. 

Hanzo quickly got up, leaving the glass on the table and the cowboy alone. Mccree Huffed. "You seem rather hasty... Whats the rush bowman?" Hanzo looked not at McCree's face but at the ground, eyes half open. 

"My apologies, I am just eager to see my brother." Hanzo said shyly but sternly, but becoming more open with him for conversation this time. "We have a lot to catch up on." He added. 

Mccree tilted back in his chair. He sipped his whisky lightly before speaking. "I've heard of you Hanzo. I figured you'd be as serious as your brother. I was right." He laughed. "Genji always spoke highly of you. Had knew you would return, you are brave for comin' here aren't ya." 

Hanzo did not answer which made Mccree uneasy, wanting to make him talk. Mccree had definitally noticed Hanzo holding back some, he wanted to open him up a bit more considering he was also new. Mccree gulped down an even larger sip of his glass, letting out a heavy breath. He had no sense of stagger, he took his liquor like a professional. 

"I'll let you go and catch up, yall need the it since you attempted killed him I suppose." Mccree teased harshly. 

Hanzo was not in the mood for being messed with and his temper rose fast. "That is none of your business, and it never will be. Are you always this pryful." Hanzo snapped. 

Attempting to storm out, Mccree stopped him. Mccree saw Hanzo as a very serious man, he only wanted to shake him up a bit, he seemed tense. He hoped teasing him a bit would ease his tension and draw him closer as new friends. Usually Mccree was slick he thought, but maybe he went a bit too far this time. 

"Hey bowman, wait up." Hanzo stopped.

You are right, its none of my business, im just actin like a fool. How I am to new folks," Mccree apologized. Hanzo only remained silent and still.

"You know, let me make this up to ya. Come with me, I can take you to see your brother." Mccree Offered. Getting up with much energy and leaving his finished glass on the counter. He waited for Hanzo's response while placing his hands around his belt. 

Hanzo felt like giving the cowboy another chance, he felt something good about his new friend. "Lead the way." Hanzo said confidently. 

Mccree sensed Hanzo was thankful, and surprisingly forgiving which made him relieved. On the other hand, Hanzo only grew more nervous for seeing his brother. The anxiety pain continued. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2018 ⏰

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