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"Captain, prepare the ship for launch upon my return," Lotor instructed. "I will be bringing an additional crew member on orders from Haggar."

The Galra looked at him quizzically.

"Sir... we have not been informed of any such-"

His sentence faltered as Lotor fixed him with a hard stare.

"Prepare the ship," he repeated, sweeping away down the ship's corridor. His mind spun as he navigated the dimly lit hallways. He wasn't sure why he needed to meet this hybrid. She was dangerous, unpredictable, probably nearly feral. But he knew he couldn't leave her here.

Lotor made a right turn, trying to remember the layout of gladiator ships. He had been aboard them many times in his youth. And due to his discomfort at watching the fights, he had become well antiquated with the branching passageways. He was sure he was in the cell block now. The rows of identical reinforced doors were a dead giveaway. But how would he know which cell he needed?

Two sentries turned down the hall ahead of him, weapons held at the ready. Lotor stepped in front of them, hoping Haggar hadn't altered his records of authority.

"I need to find a prisoner," he stated. "The victor of the last fight, a female Galra hybrid."

The sentries stood for a long moment. Their impassive metal faces were impossible to read. Lotor's hands began to sweat traitorously as the silence stretched longer and longer. Were they sending alerts to headquarters right now? They wouldn't dare attack him would they? Surely he hadn't been demoted that far.

"Prisoner 33VX9 is contained in cell 65C." They finally responded in unison.

"Take me there," he ordered, breathing a sigh of relief.

He followed the metal guards down a few more hallways, finally stopping in front of a locked door.

"Is she restrained?" Lotor asked, hesitating in front of the control panel.

"Prisoner 33VX9 is restrained," the sentries agreed.

"Wait outside. Tell no one I am inside and do not enter unless I command it," he instructed.

Lotor pressed his hand to the control panel. The door slid open and he stepped into the dimly lit cell. A musty smell of dried blood and dusty fur filled his nose as his eyes adjusted to the scene.

The large female looked up as he entered, startled. She had been sitting with her back against the wall, but now jumped to her feet. Lotor tried to keep is breathing steady as he realized how much bigger she was than him. Her large ears nearly brushed the ceiling. A low growl rolled from behind her bared teeth as she sized him up. For the first time he also noticed a long jagged scar that ran over her left eye. Lotor couldn't help feeling grateful for the sturdy cuffs keeping her bloodstained hands bound.

Fighting the urge to appear large and dominant, Lotor sat on the cold metal floor.

The Galra stopped growling, obviously surprised.

"Hello. I am sorry to burst in on you unannounced. My name is prince Lotor. What's yours?"

Instead of relaxing, this seemed to make the prisoner more tense than ever. Her hands clenched into fists and her eyes darted around the small room.

"I'm not here to hurt you," he said soothingly. "In fact, if you're willing, I'm here to free you."

This seemed to do the trick. Her shoulders relaxed in shock and the snarl was replaced with a look of confusion.

"Why?" she asked, finally speaking in a hoarse voice.

"Because I feel we understand one another."

She snorted.

"You think you know what my life is like prince?"

But she stopped abruptly, looking worried she had gone too far.

"It's alright," Lotor assured her. "I'm sure I don't know everything you've been through. You have a right to think so."

Still looking uneasy, she sank to the ground as well. For a long moment they simply stared at each other. Lotor noticed several other small differences that set her apart from other Galra. Her eyes were a deep golden color, not glowing yellow. The insides of her large ears were a deep shade of pink, though dust and grime had dirtied the colors of her fur.

"I saw you fight today. Your strength is very impressive."

Her eyes narrowed.

"Enjoy the show?" she asked coldly.

"Not particularly. It seems to me like your talents are being wasted on barbaric entertainment. This is why I would like to offer you a place on my crew."

"I don't know anything about spaceships," she growled. "Only time I've ever been on one was when I came here."

"Well I think we can work on that. And besides, there's more to do on a ship than just flying it. I'm going to need soldiers like you to help put the Galra in their place."

Genuine shock flitted across her face at these words, followed quickly by a look of fear.

"This is a trick isn't it? I've been doing too well in the ring and now you're looking for a way to execute me for treason. It won't work!"

"No tricks," Lotor promised, hands up soothingly. "You and I have more in common than you might think. We both have reason to hate the empire. We're both skilled at fighting those who doubt us. And-" he looked up meaningfully, "we're both only half Galra."

Silence filled the tiny cell.

"I've never met another half breed," she said quietly.

"Nor I," Lotor admitted. "It seems the empire is not overly proud of any of us. It would seem that they bring us low, isolate, and underestimate us."

He stood up.

"Their mistake."

The female stood up as well, towering over him once more.

"You're not lying? You really want me to join you?"

"I will never lie to you. Come. We're going to have to stick together from now on."

He extended his hand toward her massive paws. She did the same, allowing him to unlock her shackles.

"I never did hear your name," he commented, dropping her bonds to the floor.

Rubbing her wrists, a small grin breaking over her face, she replied,


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