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(transformers prime thing)

Ratchet: Vulpix, you need fresh air today, so I'm sending you with Miko and Bulkhead to the park.

Me: D: NOOOOOOO! *hides*

Ratchet: *sighs* Scrap, where did she go? 

Me: *from underneath table* OUTSIDE IS NOT OKAY!!

Ratchet: -_- *picks me up* Humans need sunlight and fresh air. No question. 

Me: *internally screams* Sunlight is evil though!

Ratchet: You'll be fine. *puts me down next to Miko* 

Me: I'm allergic to the sun!

Ratchet: No you're not, nice try though. 

Me: I burn easy!

Ratchet: Forget it! You are going to the park whether you like it or not. 

Me: *under breath* Geez, did you eat some unsalted saltines?

Ratchet: What was that?

Me: Nothing!! *leaves*

(Time skip to an hour later)

Ratchet: *hears footsteps* So how was-WHAT IN THE NAME OF CYBERTRON?!

Me: *red from head to toe, glaring at him*

Bulkhead: So uh, it turns out she wasn't lying when she said she burns easy...

Ratchet: 0_0

Me: Run... *grabs can of paint and brush*

Ratchet: *transforms and drives away as fast as possible*

Me: *runs after him* PAAAAAAY BAAAAAAACK!

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