Chapter Five:

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“Now, young Mister Moon flew away in the night.

His best friend Magnus right by his side.

They soared through the Milky Way counting the stars, once around Venus, twice around Mars.”

I sang to Shaylee while I lay down in her bed. Usually we slept in the same bed. It made us both feel more comfortable and safe from whatever was to come. Shaylee liked it because she knew I wouldn’t let our Dad hurt her. This was the lullaby my mother used to sing to us, and now I had adopted it to sing Shaylee to sleep when she was up with one of her dreadful nightmares. She was asleep soon enough, and I knew I wouldn’t be. I’d be up all night like I usually was.

I repeated the rest of the lyrics in my head as I curled up closer to my baby sister.

Then they spied an island rise out of the sea

They fell back to Earth just as free as you please

The children all gathered the church bells did ring

Suddenly everyone started to sing

Chanson pour les petits enfants

Chanson pour toute le monde

Chanson pour les petits enfants

Chanson pour toute-

My melodic thoughts were interrupted by the instant noise of the door slamming open, hitting the wall. Light from the hall flooded the room and my eyes darted to the entrance. A figure stood in the doorway, about six foot and a little rotund.

“I came to say goodnight,” the silhouette spoke. His gruff voice was slurred with the effects of alcohol. My father was in the room. My father was coming to say good night…So many warning bells went off in my head and I went into survival, protective mode. I moved the slightest, unnoticeable bit to shield Shaylee the best I could.

“Good night,” he laughed, a harsh bitter sound screeching through the room. He took a step forward. My heart beat faster in my chest, picking up its pace to a sharp, quick pitter-patter.

He was next to me in an instinct, before I could react. A knife was at my jaw in a second.

“I’m going to cut you to bits like I did your mother,” he told me, his harsh breath pounding against my face. “And then I’m going to get your sister, too. Or maybe she should go first?”

Things changed then. He picked me up by the throat, tossing me aimlessly against the wall as he lurched toward Shaylee. He rose the knife and brought it down, fast, allowing it to pierce her slender bod…

“No!” I screamed. “No, no, no, no, no! Let her go!” I was screaming and kicking and throwing my weight around.

“Shh, shh, shh, you’re dreaming. Kris! You’re dreaming! Wake up!” A strong hand was shaking me, yelling at me. I opened my eyes to see a familiar brunette boy above me. James was holding me tight, whispering shushes. I was dreaming. I was only dreaming, I tried to reassure myself. It was just a nightmare. Just a nightmare…

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