All eyez on me

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(time skip to Friday (Y/N) pov

It's Friday today and i was going to go jogging to the  gym, i lift but also boxing then some good old fashion kick boxing i got in the shower put some work out clothes on and put my hair in a messy bun to hide my horns under neath they weren't that big 

It's Friday today and i was going to go jogging to the  gym, i lift but also boxing then some good old fashion kick boxing i got in the shower put some work out clothes on and put my hair in a messy bun to hide my horns under neath they weren't th...

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 then i ate breakfast  and put a bunch of hair ties over the cuts on my wrists so no one would see them and i went outside to jog.

 while i was jogging i felt like someone was staring at me i turned around to see  a group of teens behind me laughing and pointing aghh do they really have to follow me to the gym it was vanoss,delirious nogla,terroriser,lui,wildcat, basically and cartoonz they were all laughing except for vanoss he stared at me with a stone cold gaze and kept staring so i ran as fast as i could to the gym where my uncle Dave works,

 i ran through the doors to hype music playing and the sound of the bell ring when i walked in     "hey hey hey my number one boxer lifter and wrestler hows mom is she okay and frankie too"yeah yeah there fine'' ''isnt if friday you should be in school" "welllll... i got suspended  because these boy at my school were being bullies and i snapped and went ape sheit on there asses and now i have to be handcuffed from 10am to 2pm with one of the bullies and spend the rest of the day with them starting next week'' "wow" we just stood there chatting for a while then,

 "well look who we have here" a familiar voice said as the bell from the door rang 7 times leading all of the boys in here aghhh i made a weird noise then put my head on the counter "i'm going to work out now bye fuckboys"  then someone grabbed my arm "you're  not tough""psst whatever says the guy whos 'crew' didn't stand up for him when he got beat by a girl" at this point everyone in the gym was staring and 0ohhing i was gonna walk away but someone'tried' to snatch my mask off but instead got a foot to the face it was vanoss once again "come on try that again" i looked at him and his mouth was all bloody "you're a-" HEY CALM YOUR TITS OR LEAVE uncle Dave yelled "IF YOU WANNA FIGHT HER YOU CAN A FIGHT ALL OF US B LEAVE OR C GET. OUT!" they just stood there in shock i tried to walk away when vanoss said "im gonna fight her" "really i just wanted to lift and maybe kick box to day but you wanna box aghhhhhhh" "fine what ever your gonna lose anyways" "no not boxing wrestle" "haha jokes on you fuck boy I've been wrestling my whole life so suck it nerd" the last part i said in wildcats voice they stood there in awe of my perfect imitation i looked at wildcat he mouthed what the eff i chuckled  and went to an open area of the gym where a huge blue mat was lying on the ground, i walked over to a basket where helmets were, i looked at the helmet then uncle Dave he knew about my horns and would always give me a special helmet then he nodded and i jogged to his office i put the helmet on and adjusted my mask tighter on my face, so it would not fall off when i chock hold vanoss.     

i walked out to see vanoss in basketball shorts and a wife-beater/tank top for men "ALRIGHT! you know the rules (y/n)" i nodded the he looked at vanoss "look your gonna get beat just saying if you pull off the helmet,mask,pants,bra,anything she is wearing then you will die no trash talking no titty twisting groin punches (y/n)" "that was once okay he had it coming" "umm you see that guy over there" uncle Dave pointed to mike the last guy who challenged me to fight him he had a neck brace, black eye, and a cast on his foot "he touched (y/n) mask and he almost died" "there was a lot of blood" i said "yeah okay mouth guard here here okay when i say fight you fight ready," i steped onto the mat and looked at vanoss and gave him a cold stare "the first one who pins there opponent to the mat wins",

"ready set fight" he lunged at me pushing all his weight on me so his sholder was touching my waist i just stood there like stone pushing just a little then vanoss said "how much do you weigh" "are you calling me fat" i said in a white girl voice and put my arms around the back of vanoss' waist picking him up flipping him onto the mat onto his back he quickly got up and lunged at me again i quickly jumped over him which was surprisingly very high and then landed on my feet vanoss looking around for me "hey evan" i said his face turned red with anger "DONT CALL ME THAT" he yelled he came at me i jumped on him and put him in a choke hold flipping him onto the mat holding him down by the shoulders sitting on his back whispering into his ear 'there is no need to yell" "3 2 1 YN is the winner!" the whole gym was cheering even Evans crew 

i looked at vanoss who was lying on the ground still i put my hand out to help him up he took it and quickly got up and shook my hand with no expression on his face then left his side kicks following behind  "i heard delirious say you owe me 20 dollars vanoss" ,so i went over to some weights and put 200 pounds on them then did some squats like it was nothing listing to the song take it back by logic while rapping to it i finally left and went home. 

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