Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

"He's not here!" Jessie exclaimed tossing her things on the hotel bed. "All this damn time we've wasted traveling here and he's gone. What now?"

Langley sighed. The hotel clerk had informed them when they'd checked in that Jessie's 'uncle' Benjamin Gray had checked out a week ago and left town and hadn't mentioned where he might be heading to.

Crossing the room, Langley slipped his arms around Jessie's waist from behind. "The last few weeks were such a waste of time," he countered, kissing he wild hair.

He heard her smile. "Weren't they? I still have my virtue."

Langley chuckled and released her. "So do I."

"Liar," Jessie mumbled sitting down on the edge of the bed.

Langley felt his ears begin to burn. "Not lying."

Falling onto her back with a laugh, Jessie sighed. "I reckon I know you're not."

It had awhile since their first kiss and in that time their kisses had grown hungrier and the touches more intimate. Much to Jessie's surprise, her trust in Langley had also grown. It worried her that he made her feel safe. She had given him so much of herself... what would happen when he hurt her?

"What are you thinking about so hard?" Langley asked, lounging against the wall with his arms over his chest. "I can see the smoke rolling out of your ears."

"That's the fumes I'm running on," she countered. Jessie grabbed a pillow and propped it beneath her head.

Langley crossed the room and pulled a blanket up to her chin. "Sleep. I'll go get us some lunch."

"I'm not going to sleep," Jessie assured him, her eyes closing. "I'm just gonna search my eyelids for any clues as to where to look for Benjamin."

Langley laughed. "Alright then. Maybe when I get back, I'll check mine awhile too."

"Well go on then," Jessie insisted.

Langley slipped from the room with a smile. His first stop was the post office in town. He sent out a letter for his parents letting them know he was alive and well. Langley wasn't sure if Jeremiah had told them about jail or not but he knew how much his mama would worry if he didn't write.

After that was complete, Langley headed to the café to get himself and his traveling partner some lunch. He let his mind wander to Jessie and realized that just thinking about he made him smile. She was starting to trust him, starting to open up more every day. Langley was having the best time of his life.

Jessie was his best friend and more.. he saw a future with her even if she refused to speak of it. She was clearly not the type to make plans. Maybe if she didn't have Benjamin Gray hanging over her head she'd be more willing to think about the future.

Langley didn't want Jessie to kill the man. She was too good a person to have cold-blooded murder resting on her conscience. But he knew he couldn't stop her. He'd already tried the 'murder is bad for your soul' routine and she hadn't listened.

Maybe they wouldn't find any more leads and Jessie would give it up. Yeah, and maybe pigs would sprout wings and fly right out of their pens. Langley sighed. He'd like to take her home. He was pretty sure his mama would welcome her with open arms and he knew that his pa and Duke would like her since she seemed to be cut from the same cloth as them.

Langley blew out a long breath before stepping into the café. He ordered two of the lunch specials and leaned against the far end of the counter to wait. He couldn't help but overhear the conversation going on behind him.

Give My All to Jessie (Third in Outlaw Series)Where stories live. Discover now