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1》First thing's first, please roleplay in third person. I don't care how you do it, just use third person.

2》You can be powerful, but don't be an overpowered asshole. You get a maximum of five abilities. Don't exceed the limit.

3》You cannot control other characters without their permission. If your character has mind control abilities, have the other player's consent.

4》You're allowed to change things about your character. I get it, you get new ideas for them. But you must ask permission from me before changing their abilities.

5》This is actually more of a plead. Guys, please stay active here.

6》There is no password, I just want you guys to wait for me to accept you.

7》As the others say, hate the character, not the roleplayer. If you see any bullying in my good, agnostic main chains, report it to me. If you have a legit reason for your actions towards the certain roleplayer, I will consider.

8》If someone has constructive criticism about your character, take it with a grain of salt. And as for the person who gives that criticism, put it more gently.

9》There will be no demons, angels, or any other mythical creature. Sorry, Aka. You are, however, free to give your character any appearance and ability you desire. You'll need permission if you want to be a character who's already living in the D.O.W.N. via PM, and the choices of what kind of citizen you are will be presented.

Welcome to the D.O.W.N ||RP||Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя