Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

"What did you guys talk about?" Dunn asked while trying to look nonchalant by brushing his hand through his dark hair, staring at the ground.

"Well the thing is we did speak about you, by the way I think he likes you," I said, turning to see his face light up with excitement. I saw the grin spreading on his face and his eyes positively shine with happiness. His happy mood must've been contagious because suddenly I felt like running. And run I did.

I was running like crazy through the dense forest with Dunn not far behind me, chasing me. Our laughter echoed through the trees, birds fleeing wherever we ran. I didn't even notice where I was running, I just went for it, when I stopped and realized this place is out of boundaries, one of the camp rules.

This was deep into the forest, trees like buildings in the city going up into the sky for meters and meters. There was a creepy dim light in here, seeing that the trees blocked most of the sun. The plants looked withered with age and the ground moist from all the rain water dripping from the trees above. Brown leaves broke from branches and fell gracefully to the ground.

"Hey! You can't just tell me..." Dunn' sentence trailed off as he came to a stop next to me. His mouth fell open as he stared at the scene in front of us.

You could see the scared expression on that sweet innocent face of his.

"This is... we are not allowed to be here..." he stammered nervously, "and now I know why." He finished slowly.

We heard something and we both spun around with ultra-quick reflexes, looking around to see if we could see what was making that sound from beyond the trees.

"I don't like this game anymore," Dunn said, starting to back up slowly when he came to a dead stop. His eyes bulged, his entire body went stock-still.

"Something is behind me," Dunn whispered under his breath, sounding every bit as panicked as he looked. I turned around slowly to see what he was talking about.

There it stood, a huge guy standing behind Dunn looking like he hasn't seen a bath in three years and his clothes were old and full of red stains. It could be berries Len, it doesn't always have to be blood, I thought to myself but disregarded that thought immediately.

I was about to shout run when the guy took out a long wooden stick, at the top end of it, a gleaming stainless axe. I grabbed Dunn's arm and started running.

"Where are we going?" Dunn yelled behind me. I heard the fear in his voice, and tried to keep it out of my own when I responded.

"I don't know! Everything looks the same!" I yelled back, running past trees and rocks that al looked exactly the same. Fuck, I thought as one scraped me. Fuck, Len, pull it together! I yelled at myself mentally. But I could feel the blood trickling down my shin, combining itself with the sweat pouring form my body.

I was running for my life, my heart feeling like a race horse, but my inner wolf was banging to turn around and face that thing chasing us.

As I was running I turned around to see where Dunn was and he was just behind me when I felt something took my foot by surprise. As I fell over a branch; my head connected with something hard and flat, luckily not sharp. I lifted my head slowly and saw something catch the sunlight.

An iPhone? My heart sank as I realized this was Earl's shiny white iPhone. What was his phone doing here? And, more importantly, where is he? I turned the phone around when I felt something wet on it, and a low whimper escaped my throat when I saw the redness smeared on the white surface. I raised a hand to my mouth to prevent another cry, but suddenly I felt two hands wrapping around my throat. I was being pulled up and being choked.

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